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You take a deep breath as you walk around your living room, hand shaking as you place it on the pole.

"Ugh... I hope I can do this without getting scared." You mumble to yourself. You begin to puff out your chest to exude a little confidence in yourself. You bite onto your lower lip before fully wrapping your hand around the pole.

You start to lift yourself off of the ground and climb up the pole, using your thighs to tighten around the pole like Jungkook said, you take a deep breath and nervously try to swing your legs in a different way. You move one leg over the pole before wrapping the legs around the pole backwards like you were taught in class. You use your hands to hold the pole behind you.

You try your best to get down after a few seconds of getting the hang of this position on the pole. After managing to get down safely, you let out a sigh of relief before reaching down to grab your phone that's sitting on the couch. You smile as you stare down at your phone, reading your texts with Kai.

Y/N: Babyyy, I have a surprise for you. Stop by my place tonight? 😇

Kai 🥰: Can't tonight, baby. Can we raincheck for tomorrow? Got some things to take care of.

Your shoulders slump for a moment as you read his text message before you sigh and nod your head.

He's been getting busier and busier at work. I guess that's what happens when you start working full time and have back-to-back meetings.

Y/N: sure, just don't forget

Kai 🥰: I won't, baby, promise. See you tomorrow 😙

You let out a soft sigh and lock your phone before glancing back at the pole.

"Guess I should find something else to do then." You state before looking around your apartment.

Video games? Nah, not tonight.

Masturbate? Possibly.

Stop by the nearest food place to get a proper meal? Nah, that might take too long.

Nearest gas station to get some chips and snacks? Let's do it.

You quickly place your phone back down on the couch and make your way towards your bedroom, starting to get dressed.

After putting on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, you make your way towards the front door with your keys and phone in hand.

Making your way towards your parked car, you sigh while turning the engine on as you drive towards the nearest gas station.

Upon arriving at the gas station, you park in one of the vacant spots before walking into the motion sensor doors.

You give a polite smile to the person behind the register as they give a half-assed greeting.

Making your way to the snack aisle immediately, you shiver slightly before reaching a hand out to grab some chips. After grabbing a bag of chips, you make your way towards the candy aisle, picking out a few candy bars before making your last stop at the drink aisle. You glance around while biting onto your lower lip before nodding your head as you reach for an iced tea.

You get your iced tea before turning to make your way towards the register.

Until you bump into someone.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now