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You step out of the studio room and are immediately greeted by Jungkook.

He rests his hands on your upper arms, eyes scanning your face and body.

"Oh thank goodness." He says before looking over at where Miyeon is. "No blood, I told you there wouldn't be a fight." You narrow your eyes at the two before shaking your head.

"You two actually thought I'd hit a girl who is crying and dealing with the same pain I did when I found out about the cheating?" you question. "What kind of monster do you two think I am?"

"I just wasn't sure because you're really good at holding grudges, Y/N." Miyeon states.

"My grudge is against Kai, not Jennie, you moron." You respond before looking over at Jungkook.

"So, what happened?" he questions.

"We decided that we should probably talk out our issues with each other." You state. "Jungkook, would you be okay with me taking a raincheck on our date tonight to talk to her? If not, I'll reschedule it to another time." You state.

Jungkook tilts his head to the side before looking over at Jennie through the tiny window in the door that leads to the studio. After a few seconds, he looks back at you before shaking his head.

"I have no problem with it but don't you think you two should do it when both of you are thinking clearly and not overly emotional?" he questions. You tilt your head to the side, unsure as to why he's saying that. He senses your confusion before he speaks again. "Miyeon, can you help me out here?" he questions while looking over at Miyeon.

Miyeon glances over at you two before she steps towards you two.

"Why would it be bad to talk while we're emotional?" you question immediately to Miyeon.

"Do you remember the first few weeks after you found out?" Miyeon questions. "You were constantly saying how you would punch both Jennie and Kai if you ever saw the two of them anywhere."

"Basically, I'm concerned about your safety." Jungkook states. "If you were like that when you found out, imagine how Jennie is now."

You look over your shoulder to look through the small window that Jungkook was looking at before. You see her on the phone with someone, most likely Kai and she's very angry.

"You can just reschedule to a time when she's not doing that." Miyeon says while gesturing towards the woman's actions as she frantically paces back and forth, waving her hands in the air while simultaneously yelling at Kai.

You nod.

"Okay. Yeah, I'll hold off until she's thinking more rationally." You state before shrugging.

"Exactly. Just give her time to cry it out and process everything before you start being all buddy-buddy with her." Miyeon confirms. You nod before pointing towards the door behind you.

"I'm going to get changed then come back and let her know that I have to reschedule." They nod and you make your way down the hallway towards the bathroom.

Once inside, you take a deep breath and shake your head to yourself as you stare at your reflection in the mirror.

You're not lying, you really will reschedule so you two can share stories and see what time this whole cheating scandal started.

Just not while she's still crying and upset about it. You have to do it when she's thinking clearly and not as angry.

You bite onto your lower lip before nodding your head to yourself. You make your way into one of the stalls and change into the clothes you were wearing before. Once you finish, you leave the bathroom while carrying the bag containing your workout clothes.

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