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"And you're just telling me about this now?" Miyeon questions, slightly raising her voice. You flinch a little from hearing her speaking like this. "If Kai showed up to your house and started making you feel worthless, you should've come to me right away, Y/N!" she exclaims.

It's been four days since Kai's words got to you.

Your lunch with Jungkook is tomorrow.

"I know, I'm sorry," you start before running your fingers through your hair as you let out a soft sigh. "I just didn't want to bother you with my problems. You have your own life and I don't want to be the friend who just takes and doesn't give."

"What the hell are you even saying?" she questions before crossing her arms. "You'd never talk about yourself like that before. What kind of shit did Kai tell you to get that far into your head?"

"He said he cheated on me because I always put my needs first, didn't want to have sex enough, rarely went on dates in public with him, and that I'm always too insecure." She narrows her eyes at you before rolling them.

"All of that is bullshit." She immediately argues. "He's fucking gaslighting you and projecting his own issues onto you, blaming you for his faults. I know that deep, deep down you know this too."

You bite onto your lower lip.

You do know that. However, getting a little reassurance from someone who knows you more than you know yourself definitely helps you believe it more.

"I just... it got to me, alright?" you state. "It got to me for a night and then the next morning, Jungkook came over and he reassured me."

"Then how is it still bugging you?"

"Because Kai said Jungkook is too nice of a guy to be honest if I were to be doing something he doesn't like." Miyeon immediately lets out a loud laugh, shaking her head frantically.

"I cannot believe you're listening to a man who probably washes his ass once a month right now." She states. "You know Jungkook and you know how brutally honest he can be. He literally told you that you deserve better than Kai even when you didn't ask for his opinion. He's the first person to tell you you're messing up a move on the pole. He's the one who has never lied to you once since you've met him. There's no fucking way I'm going to let you listen to some lying, walking STD over Jungkook."

You let out a soft sigh as you hear this.

Slowly, a smile finds its way onto your face.

"Y/N, why are you smiling?" Miyeon questions. "Maybe Kai was right about the crazy part..." she mumbles to herself, making fun of the fact that you're smiling while she's practically yelling at you.

"I'm laughing because I should've known all I needed to do was talk to you." You state. "You're like my last brain cell keeping me in check."

Miyeon stares at you for a few seconds before smiling and rolling her eyes.

"You're damn right I'm your last brain cell." She laughs softly before shaking her head. "But you see what I'm saying right?" You nod your head.

After a few seconds of silence, she speaks up again.

"Now that that's settled," she starts. "Any other updates on Jungkook?" you glance up at the ceiling before deciding that you should let her talk about her love life first.

"Yes but I want to hear about your love life first." You state before nudging her gently. "How are things with Soojin? Are they working out or do you still need me to talk to Jungkook about setting you up with Seokjin?" She lets out a soft laugh before looking away shyly.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now