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You wake up the next morning lying on your side. You immediately lift the blanket off of you and stretch your arms upwards.

Glancing at the clock, you rub your eyes.


Sunlight is beaming through your blinds in your room. You immediately lift your arm to shield your eyes from the harsh rays of the sunlight.

"Too early to be this bright." You mumble to yourself before getting out of your bed and making your way to the bathroom. Once you get in the bathroom, you use the toilet before washing your hands and brushing your teeth and doing your skincare.

Once all of that is done, you make your way back into the bedroom and hear something in the living room.

You furrow your eyebrows for a second before it hits you: Jungkook is here.

You widen your eyes and immediately slip a pair of shorts on before unlocking your door. You make your way into the living room to see Jungkook standing up, shirtless.

Your eyes immediately drift to his toned chest and arms.

He has tattoos going all the way up his arm until his shoulder. The other arm has a few tattoos here and there but not as many as the other.

His abs are just as toned as in that thirst trap he posted a few days ago when you followed him on that app.

You bite onto your lower lip as you stare over at him.

His hair is messy, eyes still shut as he stretches.

After a few seconds, he lets out a noise of relief as he finishes stretching.

This snaps you out of the little trance.

"Good morning." You say. This causes Jungkook to pop open one eye to look in your direction.

"Morning!" he says while giving you a sleepy smile. "How'd you sleep?"

"Like a baby... how about you?"

"A lot better than I do at my house honestly." He says before reaching down to grab the pillow that's lying on the couch. "I think that's because of this." He lifts it in the air.

You smile softly.

"You can have that pillow if you want." You say before pointing towards your room. "I barely have guests over and I have more than enough pillows in my bed already."

"Nah, keep it. It's your pillow." He says before setting it back onto the couch. "Besides, if something like last night happens again, I'll need a pillow to sleep on." You arch your eyebrow as you hear him say this.

"Okay... sure." You say before watching as he leans over to grab the blanket as well. He folds everything before handing everything to you. You smile softly before taking everything. "Is there anything you wanted for breakfast? I have eggs, bacon, bread that we can use for toast, pancake mix..." you start listing before you leave the room really quick to put the blanket and pillow in the dirty pile.

Once you get back, you see Jungkook in the kitchen.

He's looking over at you.

"Mind if I have a look at everything you have?" you nod.

"Go for it." You say before opening the fridge to get a bottle of water. "Do you want some water?"

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now