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You're now sitting in Jungkook's car at a red light as you awkwardly shift in the passenger seat.

His hoodie is laid on top of your lap to prevent you from getting cold.

You glance around at your surroundings, taking note of the rest of this area so you never come back.

"So, still not ready to talk about it?" he asks suddenly.

You turn your head back to look at him and see that he's already looking at you. His eyes are sparkling as he stares at you and you can tell that he's really worried about you.

You sigh before shrugging.

"I can tell you about it when we get to the studio." You say. "I don't want to do it here because I might start crying and you won't be able to escape the awkwardness."

He lets out a soft laugh before nodding his head.

"Fair enough." He says.

You grin as you hear his laugh before looking out of the window again once the car starts moving.

After a few minutes of driving, you're now at the dance studio.

Jungkook parks the car before quickly getting out of the car.

You go to open your door to get out of the car but Jungkook opens your car door for you. He smiles down at you and holds his hand out to you.

You place your hand in his before standing up. Once you're out of the car, he opens the back door near your seat and grabs the pizza that you two placed into the back of the car earlier.

He carries the pizza box in one hand while holding his car keys in the other.

He locks the car door then leads the way to the studio.

Upon arriving at the studio, he leads the way towards an empty studio room.

Once there, he unlocks the door and turns on the lights before holding the door open for you, allowing you to enter the room first.

You walk into the room and look at yourself in the mirror, sighing as you see the mascara smudged underneath your eyes.

Now, he enters the room before grabbing some spare chairs that are on the side of the room. He unfolds them and sets them down before making his way towards another part of the room. Grabbing a small table, he places it in the middle of the two chairs.

You make your way towards one of the seats and sit down as you lean back in the chair.

He places the pizza box onto the table before sitting down on the seat next to you.

"Time to dig in." Jungkook says while opening the pizza box before allowing you to rip a piece of pizza.

You grab a piece of pizza and immediately take a large bite of the food, letting out a soft sigh as you relax your shoulders.

Jungkook points down at the pizza.

"Can I have a slice?" You look up at him and nod your head.

"I can't finish it by myself... no matter how sad I am." You say. He gives a sympathetic smile before taking a slice of the pizza and taking a big bite.

"Mmm, I forgot how good Seokjin's pizza is." He says before nodding his head.

"You've tasted his food before?"

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now