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"Wait, so he got mad at you for not wanting to do anything?" Miyeon questions. You shrug.

"He didn't bluntly say he was mad or yell or anything," you say before sighing. "He just got distant and ignored my attempts at being affectionate."

"Sweetie, that's not normal." She responds. "It's definitely not a good sign. That's the second bad sign now."

You nod your head before taking a sip of your drink as you glance around at the other people around you eating at the café.

"I know it's not normal." You respond. "I'm going to talk to him about it."

She nods her head.

"Definitely talk to him, that's not right."

"I will, just not today. I think I want some space today after that."

"Well, since you want some space, what did you want to do today? I know damn well you didn't just want to sit in a café all day; you barely eat at cafés." She arches an eyebrow.

You let out a soft laugh before nodding your head as you shrug.

"I was hoping we could go shopping or something."

"Sounds good to me," she says before immediately putting her purse strap back onto her shoulder. "Which mall did you want to go to?"

"I was thinking the closest one near here. I haven't been on this side of town for a while." You say while looking around at the nice buildings.

She nods.

"Let's go then." She says before leaving some cash to cover the bill before starting to walk without you. You immediately get up and follow behind her as she makes her way towards the shopping center.

Once you get there, you walk around the clothing store, immediately going to the casual clothes section while Miyeon goes straight to the section with all of the more fancy clothes.

While you're looking at the clothes, you see a cute sweater and make your way towards it, hand feeling the material as you stare down at it.

You bite onto your lower lip as you contemplate getting it.

After a few seconds, you nod your head before lifting the coat hanger off of the rack, holding it in your hand as you walk around the store.

You make your way to another rack containing some boyfriend-fitting sweaters. You stare up at a black one before reaching out to feel the material.

At the same time, a hand reaches out for the same sweater.

"Oh, sorry-" the girl holding onto the other sleeve of the sweater says. You look up and widen your eyes slightly as you see Solar staring back at you. "Oh! Hey Y/N." she says before giving you a wide smile.

"Hey, Solar." You say before giving a smile back.

"Y/N, what do you think about-" Miyeon is holding onto a few coat racks with multiple clothing items on them. Upon looking up and seeing Solar standing next to you, she lifts her eyebrows. "Hey Solar!"

"How are you two doing?" Solar asks.

"Great! Just doing some much needed shopping therapy." You say while gesturing towards the sweater.

"Therapy, huh?" Solar questions before shrugging. "Well, at least you picked a healthy way to cope with whatever's going on... but it's not so much healthy for your wallet though." She says before laughing. You nod and let out a soft laugh.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now