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You take a deep breath as you stand outside of the studio door with Miyeon.

You two are currently waiting for Solar or Jungkook to show up to let you along with the other students into the class. You adjust your sports bra as you wait.

"I can't believe you made me wear this to class." You say while looking over at Miyeon.

"Psh," she says before shaking her head. "You look good in that. I'm just helping you by making sure you look good after that breakup."

You roll your eyes before seeing Solar approaching.

"Excuse me, sorry." Solar says as she makes her way past the people to get to the door. "Oh, hey girls. How's the ankle, Miyeon?" she questions.

Miyeon gives her a smile.

"It's better. My doctor gave me the okay to come back to class so give me the coolest tricks you've got." Miyeon says. Solar lets out a soft laugh as she hears this before nodding her head.

"Oh, don't worry, we'll teach plenty of fun tricks." Solar then looks over at you and gives you a smile as well. "Hey Y/N, how have you been doing since we last saw you?" she questions. You give her a small smile, not wanting to spill the beans about what happened with Kai.

"I've been alright. I missed coming to class though." You say. Solar nods her head before giving you a gentle pat on your shoulder.

She then opens the door to the studio before stepping to the side to allow you, Miyeon, and the other students to enter the class.

You enter the room and immediately take off your shoes before placing your shoes into the cubby along with your purse and belongings. Miyeon does the same along with the other students.

Once you have everything put away, you make your way towards one of the poles and begin stretching to prepare for class today.

"Warming up already?" you hear a deep voice behind you. You turn to look at Jungkook and give him a small smile.

"Gotta warm up a little more than usual... it has been two weeks since I've been in class after all." You say. He nods.

"I know, I expect you to do well today." He teases.

He's dressed in some black sweatpants, white sneakers, and a black band t-shirt. You smile over at him and he gives a smile back.

You then go back to stretching and Jungkook goes around greeting every student in the studio.

Solar makes her way to the front of the room near the mirror at the front. Jungkook does the same before his eyes immediately go to you.

Miyeon sees this and smirks in your direction. You make eye contact with her and see the smirk on her face before rolling your eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that." You tell her.

"How can I when he's literally checking you out?" she asks. You turn to look at Jungkook again and notice how his eyes are no longer on your face but instead examining the sports bra you're wearing. His lips are now parted as he stares shamelessly.

You reach your hand up to scratch your other arm which causes him to snap out of his trance before he looks away, scratching at the back of his neck.

"Alright, you guys know the drill. We're going to be splitting you up into groups of three." Solar says. "However, we have another instructor joining us today." She says before gesturing towards the door.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now