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You stare over at Kai as he eats, silently judging him as you think about what he's lying about.

You're sure that he's lying because he came here with a girl.

You don't need Miyeon to confirm it. You just need her to confirm what the girl he came with looks like.

Why? Because you're 99% sure it's Jennie.

You move your plate away and use your napkin to wipe at the food on the side of your mouth. Once you do so, you see Kai finishing up the last bites of his food.

Your phone rings.

The moment you've been waiting for.

"Oh. This is my doctor. I'm going to take this call really quick." You say before pushing your chair back and getting up.

You make your way towards the exit of the restaurant and immediately answer the call.

"What'd you find?" you question immediately.

"He came in on Tuesday with a girl." She states. You're upset but aren't shocked.

"I had a feeling. Did you get a description of her?"

"Long, black hair, petite, small button nose, wearing Chanel." Your heart sinks.

It is Jennie.

You had a feeling it was in the first place. However, having the confirmation of it doesn't make you feel any better.

You merely let out a sigh before looking over at Kai through the window.

He's back on his phone again.

He's texting her. That's why he didn't want you to look at his phone earlier.

You shake your head.

"Well, time to put on a fake façade and make him think that I don't know what the hell is going on." You say.

"You got this." Miyeon merely says.

"I'm so done." You say before reaching your hand up to cover your face. "You'd think after all of this time together, he'd have the decency to just dump me and go back to her instead of trailing me along like a lost puppy."

She grows quiet on the other side of the line for a few seconds.

"Boys are jerks. Kai's a boy, not a man." She explains. You nod your head before sighing again.

"Thanks for calling them for me, Miyeon. Just let me know when you want me to do you a favor and I'll do it; I don't care what the favor is." You say.

"Oh, I will when the time comes. Just worry about getting out of there without crying. Don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry."

You nod.

"Okay. Bye."

"Be strong." She says before you nod and hang up the phone.

"See why I wanted you to see for yourself?" you hear the waiter's voice again. You nod before taking a deep breath, feeling a burning sensation in the back of your throat as you hold back tears.

"When I get back in there, can you get me a red wine to get me through this dinner?" you question. He lets out a soft laugh before nodding.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now