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"You ready?" Jungkook questions while kissing you. You immediately nod your head, already prepared for what's about to come.

He smirks down at you as he pulls away from the kiss before looking down as he starts lifting his shirt off of his body.

Your jaw drops when you see the amount of tattoos covering his arm and the eight-pack abs that he has.

"Better than the picture?" you nod when he asks this which causes him to laugh softly. He stares down at you, dark black hair messy as some of it sticks to his forehead. You bite onto your lower lip before immediately gripping onto his sweatpants, pulling his lower body closer to yours. "Whoa, we need to get these off first, Y/N." he says while laughing softly. You nod your head and start tugging the waistband of his sweatpants down along with the waistband of his boxers.

You watch as his member pokes out of the exposed area.

Your jaw drops.

"Whoa." You mumble to yourself as you stare down at it in awe. He tilts his head to the side as he stares over at you.

"Never had one like this, baby?" he asks. You shake your head.

"Not that thick." You mumble before biting onto your lower lip as you stare down at the thickness of it. He nods his head when you say this before reaching over and grabbing a small, square packet. He slips the condom onto his member.

"Don't worry. I'll be gentle." He says. You nod your head before using your legs to wrap around his thighs. When you do this, you use your legs to pull him closer to you. This causes him to slightly stumble forward before letting out a soft laugh. "You're getting so impatient. I like how you know exactly what you want and when you want it."

"Yes, and I want it now." You say before arching an eyebrow as you stare up at him. He lets out a soft laugh and nods his head before taking his member into his hand. He grabs onto the lower part of it and begins gliding his shaft along your folds, coating himself in your wetness as he stares down at you. You let out a small moan when he does this and spread your legs a little further for him.

Slowly, he begins inserting the tip of his member into your entrance. This causes you to widen your eyes, hands immediately gripping onto the bedsheets. Jungkook notices how tense you're getting and immediately hovers over you, careful not to move his member further into you yet. He places his hands on either side of your head while staring down at you. You take this opportunity to reach your hands up and grip onto his forearms. He nods his head, encouraging you to hold onto him to adjust to his thickness.

You inhale sharply before allowing yourself to tighten around him, gasping as you feel him stretching you out slightly. Jungkook lets out a groan when you tighten around him and you watch as his eyebrows furrow and his upper teeth sink into his lower lip.

"O-okay... I think I'm good now." You say, indicating that he can start thrusting in and out of you. He nods his head and begins thrusting himself inside of you, allowing you to take his full length now. This causes you to let out a moan as you reach your hands up towards him. One hand rests on his shoulder while the other wraps around his shoulder to grip onto his upper back. "Fuck..." you mumble out.

Jungkook begins slowly picking up the pace, allowing himself to explore your walls as he stares down at you. He enjoys the look on your face as you take him inside of you. The way your hair is messily spread across his pillow, the way your teeth are biting into your lower lip, the way your eyes stare up at him with such need. He can't resist it.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now