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"You're telling me he slept over?" Miyeon questions, immediately growing excited as she hears you telling her this information.

You roll your eyes and smile widely at her reaction.

"Yes, he slept over." You say before scratching the back of your neck. "He made me pancakes." Biting onto your lower lip, you smile softly.

Miyeon arches her eyebrow as she stares up at you before letting out a soft squeal as she immediately puts her hands on your shoulders. She gently shakes you.

"See? I told you, he's perfect for you." She says. You immediately arch an eyebrow.

"He's not going to be my rebound." Miyeon rolls her eyes at your words.

"Not as a rebound. As a boyfriend." She says.

You take a deep breath before pulling your phone out to check your text messages.

You two are currently at lunch at an outdoor café.

As you look through your phone, Miyeon is nagging at you by listing out every single one of Jungkook's positive attributes.

While looking at your phone, you skim through all of your social media accounts to make sure Kai isn't trying to contact you.

As you scroll through the app, you see that Jungkook posted something.

This catches your attention and you immediately look at the post.

It's a selfie of him with his large group of friends. You smile softly as you see this.

Jungkook is sitting near Namjoon. Next to Namjoon is a man with messy, mint green hair and pale skin. He slightly resembles a wise man but also could pass off as a kid at the same time.

Next to him is another man with very tan skin. He has light brown hair and a boxy smile. He has his hand held up in a peace sign while he leans onto another man.

The other man is a petite man with dark black hair in a bowl cut, a little similar to Jungkook. This man, however, has much plumper lips.

Across from this man is a man with a bright smile that's contagious. He's a little tan and has a bunch of colorful bracelets around his wrist.

Next to him is a man with plump lips similar to the first one but he's wearing a blue dress shirt. He's making a kissy face towards the camera.

You take a second to stare at him before you realize.

That's the man who owned the pizza place and saw you crying. The one Jungkook called Jin-hyung.

Your eyes immediately go back to Jungkook, not wanting to re-live the day you saw him in your mind.

He's wearing a graphic t-shirt with a band on it. His smile is very wide as he poses with the men. His eyes are shining brightly as he looks at the camera.

You look at the caption of the photo.

Jungkook: Missed these guys

You smile softly at it.

"Um... hello?" Your ears now focus on the words coming out of Miyeon's mouth. "Boring you to death, am I?" she questions.

You shake your head.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now