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You're now back at the house with Jungkook again and he's doing one last test of the pole.

"Alright... it can hold you two up... but can it hold me up?" he questions while placing his hand on the pole.

"Oh please, Jungkook, as if you're going to be using the pole at Y/N's house often." Miyeon teases. Jungkook smiles while rolling his eyes before shaking his head.

"Not why I said that." He says before looking over at you. "I just want to make sure it's safe. I don't want Y/N getting hurt." He says.

Miyeon smirks in your direction before looking back at Jungkook.

"You know, Jungkook, you're such a good friend to Y/N." she says. He looks over at her and lets out a soft laugh.

"Tell that to the cashier at the hardware store." He says before shaking his head. He's hanging on the pole, trying to move his weight around as he spins and does tricks on the pole to test it.

"Why? What happened at the hardware store?" she questions while looking over at you.

"She thought we were buying tools for our new house together." You say while gesturing towards Jungkook when you say 'our.'

She lets out a soft laugh.

"That's not a surprise." She states. This statement causes Jungkook to stop moving on the pole. He's holding himself up with one arm, the other resting at his side. His thighs are squeezed around the pole. It's almost like he's standing up normally.

"What do you mean?" he questions.

"Okay, I'm done playing these games with you two." She says before looking between the two of you. "Can you two just get it over with and fuck already?"

Your jaw drops. Jungkook's jaw drops. Miyeon's arms are now crossed as she looks at you two.

"Pardon?" he questions.

"Yeah, what the hell was that Miyeon?" you ask.

"Oh please," she says, rolling her eyes dramatically. "Every time I'm around you two, there's this sexual tension that doesn't ever go away. It's like being in a room that someone farted in and the smell never goes away."

"Did she just say 'fart' and 'sexual' in the same sentence?" Jungkook questions while looking over at you. You let out a soft laugh and nod.

"I think she did." You respond.

"Cut the crap." She says. "Seriously, just go on a damn date already!" she exclaims.

You and Jungkook look at each other before you immediately shake your head.

"I don't want to go to him while I'm still hurting."

"Well, if you're hurting still, you're doing a damn good job at hiding it, Y/N." she says while looking at you. "You're so happy around Jungkook, do you know that? You're smiling and laughing and even when Kai's name is brought up, you get sad for a second until Jungkook opens his mouth again."

You look over at him.

He makes eye contact with you before making his way down the pole, landing perfectly on his feet.

"Miyeon, not that it's any of your business," you say. "Jungkook and I already had this talk together." You state.

"And no one informed me of this?!" she exclaims.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now