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"Thank you for the date, Jungkook." You say while smiling widely at Jungkook.

The two of you are standing at your front door.

He nods his head and smiles widely as he stares down at you.

"Of course, any time. I'll text you to give you the details for our date next Friday. Unless you have an idea that you want to do instead, we can do that too." You nod your head and smile widely before pulling him into a hug. He wraps his arms around your waist and squeezes you tightly before releasing you from the hug.

You turn around and make your way into your house.

When you unlock the door, you glance back and give him a smile. You then step into the front door and then close it behind you.

Once you watch Jungkook getting into his car, you lock the front door before stepping further into the house. When you get to the living room, you plop onto the couch.

While sitting on the couch, you smile to yourself as you think about Jungkook.

Sighing, you bite onto your lower lip before reaching for the nearest throw pillow that's next to you on the couch. You hold it up close to you before smushing the pillow against your face before letting out an excited noise as you kick your feet up in the air.

Once you finish doing this, you let out a content sigh before placing the pillow onto the couch once more.

You smile before getting up to go to your bedroom.

Once you arrive at your bedroom, you start to get dressed into your pajamas before making your way into the bathroom to start your skincare.

That is, until you hear a knock on the front door.

When you get there, you smile to yourself as you think it's Jungkook.

"Did you forget something,-" you're about to say Jungkook's name before you open your eyes and see Kai standing at your front door. Your smile instantly drops and your bitch face finds it's way onto your face. You cross your arms immediately and shake your head. "What the fuck do you want?" you question.

"I came here to apologize." You scoff immediately after the words escape his mouth.

You reach for the door, ready to slam it in his face before his hand stops it.

You attempt to force the door shut but his strength is too much for you to be able to stop him. Sighing, you stop trying to close the door and cross your arms again.

"I'm so, so, so sorry, Y/N." Kai states. You roll your eyes and shake your head.

"What happened? Did Jennie not take your lame ass back?" you question.

"I didn't even go back to Jennie, Y/N. After you caught me, it made me realize what a horrible thing I did to you." He states. "I really love you."

"Well, I don't love you. You can stop wasting your time." You immediately respond.

"Y/N, Jennie is nothing to me. I'm over her." He says while flailing his arms in the air as he speaks. "I haven't seen Jennie since we broke up."

"I don't care what you do, when you do it, or where you end up. I'm not taking you back." You respond.

When Kai's about to open his mouth again, a car honks.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now