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You're now standing by the cubbies at the end of class, packing up your things.

All of the other students are gone now, except Miyeon, who chose to stay to practice a little.

"Hey Y/N, do you still have that pole set up in your house?" Miyeon questions. You glance over at her before nodding your head.

"Yeah, why?" You question.

"I was wondering if we could hang out after class today and practice some more? I got myself a date on Tinder and I was hoping I could practice some of the sexy moves we learned." You let out a soft laugh.

"You're going to pole dance for them? How exactly are you going to do that?" she smirks as you question her logic.

"I'm not going to pole dance in person... Just wanted to give a little... sneak peek of what I'm capable of." You arch your eyebrows.

"You want me to record you using the pole at my house tonight, don't you?" you question. She nods eagerly which causes you to let out a soft laugh. "Sure, I can do that."

"Uh... did I just hear that correctly?" Jungkook's voice is suddenly joining the conversation. You two look back at him as he talks. "Y/N, you installed a pole in your house?" you nod.

"Yeah, I did it right after our first session pretty much. I thought I'd be using it more than I currently am for... other things..." you say before shrugging your shoulders. "But now I can use it to exercise."

"Did you make sure it's installed properly?" You nod.

"I followed the instructions." You say. Solar, who is in a squat position, putting things away in her bag, now lifts her head and turns her attention to you.

"Y/N, you can't just install a pole on your own. You have to hire people to inspect them and make sure they're safe to use." She says.

"Yeah, Y/N, are you trying to get Miyeon to sprain her ankle again?" Jungkook teases. You roll your eyes at his sarcastic humor.

"No. I tested it out when I finished installing it and I'm alive, aren't I?" you question. Jungkook immediately shakes his head.

"You're lucky the pole didn't fall and cause an injury." He says before shaking his head. He turns to Miyeon. "Miyeon, if you really want to record yourself on that pole for your date, you should really make sure you get that thing inspected."

"Would you be able to inspect it tonight since you're such an expert, Jungkook?" Miyeon questions while batting her eyelashes at him.

You, being smart and knowing that Miyeon wants to set you up with the man, know it's because she wants him to see your house. The last place you and Jungkook hung out was at her place. She's purposefully trying to get him to say yes so he can see your place and have you be the one to test out the pole.

You eye her before looking over at Jungkook. He's contemplating as he looks up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, I can do that. I do have to head home around 9 though. I have a lunch with my friends tomorrow." You and Miyeon nod your heads. "Want to head over there now?"

You nod.

"Solar, do you want us to walk with you too?" Jungkook asks. Solar shakes her head.

"Nah, I'm good. Wheein is in another studio and we're getting dinner after this. You guys have a good night though! I'll see you next week." The three of you nod.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now