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After a long weekend of relaxing and texting on and off with Jungkook, you're now in the office Monday morning.

Sighing, you continue working on your computer before glancing down at the time.

Still two more hours of work.

"Hey, Y/N." you hear, causing you to look up from your screen. You see Namjoon smiling down at you from where he's standing.


"How was your date with Jungkook the other day?" You tilt your head to the side before remembering that he and Jungkook are friends. Once this realization hits you, you smile softly.

"I loved it. He was so sweet." You say before looking up at him. "Thank you for helping him set up the table and stuff, by the way."

"Ah, he told you we helped? Always giving everyone credit when they help him." He says while laughing. "I raised him right." This statement causes you to raise an eyebrow as you stare over at him.

"You raised him?"

"Well... not literally but we've been friends since he was 13." He responds.

This statement causes you to widen your eyes.

"Wow... that's a long time."

"I know. He'll be 24 soon." He responds. "So pretty much a little over half of his life."

"That's crazy. Well, you are a very good big brother to him." You say while letting out a soft laugh. Namjoon smiles widely, his dimples showing as he nods his head before shyly scratching the back of his neck.

"Well, I try. He has a lot of potential. I think he's going to do many great things."

"He already is." You respond before glancing back down at your computer for a second. After making sure your status is still green on it, you look up at Namjoon again. "Since you did help Jungkook set up that date, let me know if you ever need a favor from Jungkook. I'll make sure he returns the favor back when the time comes."

Namjoon lets out a soft laugh.

"Ah, I'm his favorite in our friend group. Trust me, I won't have to force him to do any favors for me if I need one."

"From everything Jungkook has told me, Seokjin would argue with that statement about you being his favorite." You tease while arching an eyebrow as you stare up at him. Namjoon's eyes widen for a second before he immediately shakes his head, letting out a scoff of disbelief.

"Jin-hyung?" he questions. "Those two are chaotic. I'm the one who keeps both of them in line. I'm both of their favorite." He says. You let out a soft laugh.

"Chaotic, huh? I bet you're overexaggerating that."

"Oh, you wish." He responds before shaking his head. Glancing down, he stares at a spot on the floor while re-imagining one of the interactions between Jungkook and Seokjin. "The last time I was around those two, they made up this weird handshake."

"'Weird handshake?' How can a handshake be weird?"

"Oh, Y/N, you'll get your answer to that when they do it in front of you one day." He responds. "They literally kick and hit each other during it... I swear, sometimes they're worse than Dumb and Dumber." He says. This makes you let out a soft laugh.

"Well, I hope I get to see that handshake one day then." You respond. Namjoon is about to continue the conversation before he glances down at his phone. He raises his eyebrows before pointing down at the device and looking down at you.

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now