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"Am I doing this right?" you question, legs tightened around the metal pole as you hold it with one hand, arching your back as you spin around the pole. You look down and catch a glimpse of Jungkook as he looks at your form.

"You're doing great." Jungkook says while giving you a small smile clapping his hands before he makes his way towards another student. You watch as he walks away before unwrapping your legs from the pole to begin climbing back down.

Once your feet are firmly planted on the floor, you wipe your hands off on your leggings.

You tilt your head to the side as you watch Jungkook helping out other students.

As he teaches students, you can't help but notice how his smile widens and his eyes sparkle as he helps. You can tell that he's glad he's helping with all of these peoples' confidence. He's proud of what he does and you can tell he gets joy out of being helpful.

There's something about the look on his face as he helps others. You can practically see how golden and pure his heart is. He really is a sweet man.

You're interrupted by your thoughts when you hear your phone ringing.

You let out a soft sigh before looking over at Jungkook.

He hears the ringing and looks around, trying to see whose phone is going off.

Upon making eye contact with you, he notices the look in your eyes and he nods, signaling for you to get it.

You make your way towards the cubbies and immediately reach into your purse to grab your phone.

Stepping into the hall, you close the door behind you to make sure you don't distract the class.

"Hello?" you question quietly.

"Y/N." you hear Kai's voice. You immediately roll your eyes and hang up the phone before going to make your way back into the class.

Mid-step, your phone goes off again.

"Fuck off, Kai. I'm done." You say.

"Y/N, I love y-"

"No, you don't." you immediately say. "You don't cheat on people you love." You say before immediately hanging up your phone. This time, you take the time to block the number so he can't reach you from that new phone number.

You take a deep breath, feeling a pain in your chest as you think about how badly he hurt you.

After taking a few seconds to calm yourself, you sigh before turning to go back into the classroom.

As you're about to go back in, you see a group of students laughing together as they start leaving.

You furrow your eyebrows and make your way past them and back into the classroom to see more students packing up their things.

Class is done already? You were just starting to feel better.

Your shoulders physically lower as you become sad once more.

You make your way towards the cubbies and go to get your bags.

As you're doing this, Jungkook stops talking to the student he was talking to. He gives them an apologetic smile before excusing himself to go get you.

You're about to slip your bag over your shoulder.

"Y/N!" he says before rushing towards you. You look up at him and give a small smile. "Where are you going?"

Love on the Pole - jjkWhere stories live. Discover now