Semi-Finals: Irvine v. Vade

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Kaiba: Now for our other semi finals duel, Link Summon Master Irvine against the Sacred Beast user Vade.

Jack: This will be one that is worth to see each turn play out. This will all depend on either the speed of Irvine to link summon or Vade to bring out the Sacred Beasts.

Joey: Bad hands or not, we are all ensured that this will go down as one of the best.

Kaiba: For once I agree Wheeler, Now onto our announcer

Announcer: This next contest is for the Semi-finals! First, Irvine!

Kaiba: This one is the only duelist among those in the semis who came from the 1st half of the 1st round. 

Jack: From dark horse to THE favorite.

Joey: For sure, we will see the Link SUmmoning as the way out to a victory.

Kaiba: We shall see about that

Announcer: And his opponent, Vade!

Kaiba: We saw the problems with these "god" wielders. But let us see if they can overcome it.

Jack: This may be the weakening of the gods perhaps?

Joey: If anything, when faced against a god, they attack the spirits immediately. But somehow Kaiba and you Jack have survived and that took a lot to admit.

Kaiba: I will not insult you Wheeler for that but it is true that for any ordinary duelist, facing off those cards will be a battle inside and outside of the field. Anyway, Announcer

Announcer: Let the duel begin!

Turn 1 (Irvine 8000/ Vade 8000)
Irvine draws a card

Irvine: I activate a Continuous Spell Card, Card Trader. Once per turn, during my Standby Phase I can shuffle 1 card from my ahnd into the deck then draw a card. For now, I end my turn.

Jack: Hmmm, this is not his usual style.

Kaiba: Perhaps he has his ways to combat

Turn 2 (Irvine 8000/ Vade 8000)
Vade draws a card

Vade: I set three cards and end my turn

Jack: These two have no means to go on the offensive. This can go either way.

Turn 3 (Irvine 8000/ Vade 8000)
Irvine draws a card

Irvine: Card Trader's effect activates on my Standby Phase. I return Link Back to my deck and shuffle to draw a card

Irvine draws a card

Irvine: I summon, Leotron (EARTH/4*/Cyberse/ATK2000).And since I have a Cyberse monster on the field, I special summon from the hand, Backup Secretary (LIGHT/3*/Cyberse/ATK1200/DEF800). I set 2 cards and move to my Battle Phase

Kaiba: This is the same as his duel with Ryu

Irvine: Leotron, direct attack! 

Vade: I activate a Continuous Trap Card, Statue of Anguish Pattern, I can special summon this card as an effect monster (EARTH/7*/Rock/ATK0/DEF2500) but is still considered a Trap Card!

Irvine: Good you mentioned that, I activate a Quick Play Spell Card, Mystical Space Typhoon. to destroy Statue!

Statue of Anguish Pattern is destroyed. And damage calculation continues

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