24 duelists
2 Affiliations
Each with different styles, decks and personalities.
1 Duel League Championship
1 Duel League Tag Force Champion
Yu-Gi-Oh dueling meets Pro-Wrestling (championships)
Yu-Gi-Oh Duel League!
Kaiba: We now proceed to the next duel between Irvine and Viper.
Jack: We saw Irvine nearly lose but he was able to pull off an upset victory against a favorite, Frost, in the previous round. Can he make it past Viper?
Joey: This Viper doesn't seem good news at all.
Kaiba: I see in this Alien user that he can just as well use force before Link Monsters come to play. Onto our announcer
Announcer: Next bout is between Irvine and Viper. First, Irvine
Jack: From beating a favorite early on to becoming one! What a story.
Announcer: And his opponent, Viper!
Kaiba: If I were Viper, speed is of the essence. Cut down the monsters before link summoning takes place.
Announcer: Let the duel begin!
Turn 1 (Irvine 8000/ Viper 8000) Irvine draws a card
Irvine: I set a monster and place two cards face down and end my turn
Turn 2 (Irvine 8000/ Viper 8000) Viper draws a card
Viper: I set two cards and summon Alien Mars (FIRE/3*/Reptile/ATK1000/DEF1000). I attack your facedown!
Alien Mars attacks the facedown monster, which was Marshmallon (LIGHT/3*/Fairy/ATK 300/ DEF 500).
Irvine: Lucky you. Marshmallon's effect activates wherein it cannot be destroyed by battle. AND, since you attacked this card facedown, you take 1000 damage
Irvine 8000/ Viper 7000
Jack: A callback to his 2nd turn against Frost.
Kaiba: Will this end the same way is the question?
Irvine: Before I end my turn, I activate a Quick Play Spell Card, "A" Cell Scatter Burst. I destroy my Alien Mars and Place A Counters on my opponent's face-up monsters equal to the level of the destroyed Alien Monster. 3 A Counters on Marshmallon
Marshmallon - 3 A Counters
Viper ends his turn
Turn 3 (Irvine 8000/ Viper 7000) Irvine draws a card
Irvine: I summon Bitrooper (EARTH/4*/Cyberse/ATK1500/DEF2000). I link Marshmallon and Bitrooper to Link Summon, Pentestag (DARK/Link-2/Cyberse/ATK1600). I attack you directly!
Irvine 8000/ Viper 5400
Irvine ends his turn
Turn 4 (Irvine 8000/ Viper 5400) Viper draws a carad
Viper: I summon, Alien Telepath (FIRE/4*/Reptile/ATK 1600/ DEF1000). I attack Pentestag.
Irvine: I activate a Quick Play Spell Card, Book of Moon. I select Alien Telepath to be set to Face down defense position.
Viper: Not if I have anything to say about it. I activate a Trap Card, Orbital Bombardment! I send Alien Telepath to the Graveyard to destroy your other facedown!
Due to Orbital Bombardment, Irvine's other facedown, Scapegoat, was destroyed.
Viper ends his turn
Turn 5 (Irvine 8000/ Viper 5400) Irvine draws a card
Irvine: Quite commendable, but real stupid. I summon Cliant (LIGHT/3*/Cyberse/ ATK1500/ DEF1500). I activate its effect, During my turn when this Normal Summoned/Set card is faceup on the field. all Cyberse monsters I control gain 500 ATK/DEF during my turn.
Status changes due to Cliant: Pentestag: (DARK/Link-2/Cyberse/ATK1600) to (DARK/Link-2/Cyberse/ATK2100) Cliant: (LIGHT/3*/Cyberse/ ATK1500/ DEF1500) to (LIGHT/3*/Cyberse/ ATK2000/ DEF2000)
Irvine: Also, I activate a Continuous Spell Card, Supply Squad. Once per turn, if a monster/s I control is destroyed by battle or card effect, I draw a card. For now, Pentestag direct attack!
Irvine 8000/ Viper 3300
Irvine: Cliant, direct attack!
Irvine 8000/ Viper 1300
Irvine ends his turn
Cliant and Pentestag's ATK and DEF return to original values.
Turn 6 (Irvine 8000/ Viper 1300) Viper draws a card
Viper: I will not be finished this way. I summon Alien Hypno (WATER/4*/Reptile/Gemini/ATK1600/DEF700). I activate a Spell Card, Corruption Cell "A". This card laces 1 A-Counter on a face up monster on my opponent's field. I pick Pentestag
Pentestag - 1 A Counter.
Viper: And since this is MY turn, Cliant's effect of attack increase will not activate. So I attack Cliant with Hypnosis!
Irvine: About that, I activate Cliant's effect, if this card were to be destroyed by battle or card effect, I can destroy in its place 1 Cyberse monster in my hand or on the field. I choose Pentestag to take its place.
Viper: Damage Calculation still takes place
Irvine 7900/ Viper 5400
Irvine: Supply Squad's effect activates. I draw a card.
Irvine draws a card from his deck due to Supply Squad.
Viper: That was a stupid move, leaving the weaker attack behind. I end my turn
Turn 7 (Irvine 7900/ Viper 1300) Irvine draws a card
Irvine: There is a reason for my moves. I activate a Continuous Spell Card, Burden of the Mighty. Each of my opponent's monsters will lose 100 ATK multiplied its own level.
Burden of the Mighty: Alien Hypnosis - (WATER/4*/Reptile/Gemini/ATK1600/DEF700) to (WATER/4*/Reptile/Gemini/ATK1200/DEF700)
Irvine: Newsflash, it's MY turn and I summon Salamangreat Foxer (FIRE/3*/Cyberse/ATK1200/DEF1000). Cliant's effect activates.
Cliant effect: Salamangreat Foxer: (FIRE/3*/Cyberse/ATK1200/DEF1000) to (FIRE/3*/Cyberse/ATK1700/DEF1500) Cliant: (LIGHT/3*/Cyberse/ ATK1500/ DEF1500) to (LIGHT/3*/Cyberse/ ATK2000/ DEF2000)
Irvine: Cliant, attack Hypnosis!
Irvine 7900/ Viper 900
Irvine: Salamangreat Foxer, attack for game!
Irvine 7900/ Viper 0
Announcer: Your winner, Irvine!
Jack: Nothing less from this favorite.
Kaiba: Irvine once again pulling off a medley of counters to ensure no A-Counter lands on his monsters or remains alive.
Joey: A contender for sure
Kaiba: This is rare so don't milk it. I agree with you, Wheeler.
Jack: That beign said, Irvine advances to the Quarterfinals
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