Duel League Episode 1: Champion's Address and Main Event (Vade v. Odin)

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Announcer: Your Duel League Champion, Irvine!

Kaiba: Look at him, with such poise and confidence he marches out. A champion. 

Joey: The man's self made! No mentors, no links!

Jack: May wanna be careful about that part. But I must admit, he can be comparable to a certain King.

Irvine makes it into the middle of the duel field and here he is given a microphone and greeted by the fans in attendance cheering his name. 

Irvine lets it sink in until he finally speaks.

Irvine: Wow! To be honest, I never expected this. You all sure can welcome someone. - crowd cheers - You see, back in the tournament just because I was in the first half of the first round, facing off against Frost, some people doubted if link summoning can get me over the top against someone who uses Ice Barriers. Now I'm not the type to blame my loss on my opponent but maybe due to a bad hand, I won. And as the commentary guys and analysts called it, from one who beat a favorite to becoming THE favorite of the tournament. Now some duelists were actually more favored than I was. You had, AK and the Blue Eyes. Pattou and the Dark Magician, Ancient Gear Golem and we all saw it earlier, Wave Motion Cannon combination. We know full well about the god users in Odin and Vade who will go up in the main event tonight. Also, to my finals opponent, the 2nd in ranking, the Fire King, Blaze. Man, even as some doubted me like Strike did, I was able to pull away with the victory. And my pledge as the inaugural Duel League champion is to be a fighting champion. I know you all see the leaps and bounds my link summoning can do. But I feel, there's more to this deck and I cannot wait for the next challenger and to whoever they may be - raises the championship belt - bring it!

Strike then makes his way to the duel field with fierceness in his eyes.

Kaiba: Who in the? He's not even top 5 in the rankings.

Joey: The man was overlooked and wants to make our champeen here remember

Jack: Well, we shall see if that is indeed the case.

Strike: So you forget about me huh? You forget that ....

Irvine: I'm sorry, but this was a Champion's address. But why was it I don't recall our duel? Oh right, you were one of the other competitors who cannot touch my life points. So, I am guessing here you are wanting to remind me and make an example out of me, that you're indeed this - mockingly says - big warrior - returns to himself - but apparently, you're only careless and luck has only brought you to the quarter finals that time. 

Strike: Oh, so you wanna prove it to me one more time? I did get unlucky but I can prove to you that old is gold and I should be the one wearing that gold.

Irvine: You are entitled to your opinion but I doubt you can beat Vade, let alone, me.

Strike: How about putting that up next week? I wanna be your first challenger

In comes Blaze with a microphone in his hand

Kaiba: Gentlemen, things are beginning to look interesting. 

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