Duel League Episode 4 Machines v. Elemental Heroes (Gizmo v. Hiro)

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Kaiba: Welcome back to the Duel League and so far, here is what we have so far for first duels

1. Irvine (1-0) - Duel League Champion
2. Blaze (0 - 1)
3. Vade (1 - 0)
4. Odin (1 - 0)
5. AK (0 -1)
6. Ryu
7. Strike (0 - 1)
8. Pat (1 - 0)
9. Fenix (0 - 1)
10. Xavi
11. Draco
12. Viper (0 - 1)
13. Vaan (0 - 1)
14. Dino (1 - 0)
15. Crow (0 - 1)
16. Tempest
17. Wallace (1 - 0)
18. Mahad (0 - 1)
19. Wolfe (0 - 1)
20. Gizmo
21. Hiro
22, Frost (1 - 0)
23. Cloud (1 - 0)
24. Magnus (1 - 0)

Joey: Kinda surprising to see patterns here but the supposed bottom 3, Frost, Cloud and Magnus are fighting to prove themselves. 

Jack: That is quite noticeable but the same cannot be said of those on the top. We saw Fenix falter against a revamped Pat. AK lose out to Odin. Strike lose his title match. Blaze fizzle out against Vade. But we shall see who will try to topple the other.

Pat was walking around but was then interrupted by Mahad.

Mahad: You smug son of a bitch! You think you're too good not to notice me?

Pat: What do you want?

Mahad: So you think you're too good for me? Just because you gave away Dark Magician to that pile of crap Magnus. You believe I will shift my anger just on that amateur? No sir. I will still humble you and expose you to THESE people that no matter what. I will be better than you.

Pat: So you're challenging me next?

Mahad: You finally speak my language. I will humble you on the next edition. Enjoy your 1 win now. Because next week, I will be that 1 loss in your record and make you my bitch! - walks off -

Pat just stands there looking into the distance

Commentary area
Kaiba: These men are making our jobs easier. So another match for the next edition. A grudge match between Pat and Mahad. 

Joey: The history of these two apparently have been full of twists and turns that hopefully this will be quite the match as advertised

Jack: I will just have to agree but for now, we got our next match and these are the times that unfortunately, we don't have anyone who represents Yu-Gi-Oh GX but...

Chazz: Alright, Wheeler. Amateur Hour is over! Back away before you ruin this matchup

Kaiba: Chazz Princeton from the Duel League pre-show panel? What are you doing here?

Chazz: Seto, since none of you have seen these cards, allow me to be of help on commentary for this one. Apart from the three of us can do a better job than this mutt Wheeler here.

Joey: Hey, how dare ya!

Kaiba: For this one, Wheeler stays but Chazz gets more air time.

Chazz: You hear that you piece of trash!

Jack: Before this goes on, we got our next duel between Gizmo and Hiro.

Chazz: From what I see, Machines against Elemenntal Heroes. Apparently, machines that allow him to summon with Overload Fusion. So this will be good.

Announcer: The following is a Rank Duel! First, Gizmo.

Kaiba: This one we failed to see much in the tournament but I can tell, bad seeding.

Joey: Usually the case but this time, we shall see if this one can indeed show us the wrath of machines

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