Episode 6 Battle of Out of Play (Wallace v. Vaan)

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Kaiba: Now we're going to see two duelists whose decks involve putting cards out of play into a showdown. Wallace and his Phantom Knights against Vaan and his so-called Balance of Light and Dark deck.

Joey: Balance? Oh man, this sounds menacing. He was at least able to get past the 1st round

Jack: Good you raised it because Wallace lost out to Fenix but despite this, Wallace is the one trying to claw back and he has won ever since.

Kaiba: Alright, we shall see whose out of play plan will reign here. Announcer?

Announcer: This next contest is a ranked duel! 

Announcer: First, Wallace! (Rank: 11; Record: 1-0)

Kaiba: The so-called vengeful ghost of the past. This will be quite interesting to see how it goes.

Joey: Deceptively weak monsters but once links and XYZ come to play, that's when the mayhem starts

Jack: Now will this stand is the question?

Announcer: And his opponent, Vaan (Rank 22; Record: 0 - 1)

Kaiba: Well, this one is going to get heated.

Joey: Heck right. We saw his aggressive side in the first round, only for it to fizzle out against Odin. 

Jack: This is big for Vaan to return to form. We shall see how this goes.

Announcer: Let the Duel begin!

Turn 1 (Wallace 8000/ Vaan 8000)
Wallace Main Phase 1

Wallace: I set a monster in facedown defense and end my turn

Turn 2 (Wallace 8000/ Vaan 8000)
Vaan draws a card

Vaan: I activate a Continuous Spell Card, Dimension Fissure. Any monster that is to be sent to the Graveyard will instead be banished. I summon Royal Knight (LIGHT/3*/Fairy/Effect/ATK1300/DEF800)

Jack: Is he aware he just neutralized his own effect with that?

Vaan: I attack your facedown!

Royal Knight (ATK1300) attacks Wallace's facedown monster, which was Card Trooper (EARTH/3*/Machine/Effect/ATK400/DEF400). It is destroyed but due to Dimension Fissure, sent out of play.

Vaan: I end my turn.

Joey: That Dimensional Fissure is an equalizer.

Kaiba: Let's not forget, the graveyard is a trigger for the Phantom Knights. If they don't end up going there, those effects will not activate. Vaan seems to have this one in the bag

Turn 3 (Wallace 8000/ Vaan 8000)
Wallace draws a card

Wallace: I summon Kurbandit (DARK/3*/Fiend/Effect/ATK1000/DEF700). I set a card and end my turn. Kuribandit's effect activates during my End Phase. I Tribute this card and excavate the top 5 cards of my Deck and add 1 exccavated Spell/Trap to my hand and send the rest to the Graveyard.

Vaan: Are you aware of the risk?

Wallace: High risk, high reward. I draw 5 cards

Draws 5 cards. 
- Dark Hole (Spell Card)
- The Phantom Knights of Lost Vambrace (Trap Card)
- The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots (DARK/3*/Warrior/Effect/ATK200/DEF1200)
- The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves (DARK/3*/Warrior/ATK1000/DEF500)
- Junk Forward (EARTH/3*/Warrior/ATK900/DEF1500)

Wallace: I select to keep Dark Hole!

Dark Hole is added to the hand. The Phantom Knigts of Lost Vambrace is sent to the Graveyard. The rest as they are monsters are banished.

Vaan: Feeble. Truly Feeble!

Turn 4 (Wallace 8000/ Vaan 8000)
Vaan draws a card

Vaan: I set a monster and set a card facedown. I attack directly with Royal Knight! (1300LP damage to Wallace)

Wallace 6700/ Vaan 8000

Vaan: I end my turn

Turn 5 (Wallace 6700/ Vaan 8000)
Wallace draws a card

Wallace: Now I activate a Spell Card, Dark Hole! All monsters on the field are destroyed!

Vaan's Royal Knight and facedown Hiro's Shadow Scout are destroyed and banished

Jack: Clean field!

Wallace: I end ...my turn

Kaiba: This is not going well for Wallace

Turn 6 (Wallace 6700/ Vaan 8000)
Vaan draws a card

Vaan: I must commend you for your efforts, duelist. I summon Mystic Tomato (DARK/4*/Plant/Effect/ATK1400/DEF1100). I activate a Continuous Trap Card, Miraculous Descent! I can target one of my banished Fairy type monsters and special summon them to the field.

Joey: Wait a sec, when did a fairy of his banish?

Kaiba: Wheeler, you moron! Remember the Dark Hole from last turn?

Joey: Oh! 

Vaan: I return to the field, Royal Knight (LIGHT/3*/Fairy/Effect/ATK1300/DEF800).

Jack: This is gonna be big

Vaan: Mystic Tomato, direct attack! (1400LP Damage to Wallace)

Wallace 5300/ Vaan 8000

Vaan: Royal Knight, direct attack! (1300LP Damage to Wallace)

Wallace 4000/ Vaan 8000

Vaan: I end my turn

Turn 7 (Wallace 4000/ Vaan 8000)
Wallace draws a card

Wallace: I set a card...and end my..turn

Jack: This is a first. Wallace is not in a good spot

Kaiba: Perhaps a bad hand

Turn 8 (Wallace 4000/ Vaan 8000)
Vaan draws a card

Vaan: I summon another  Royal Knight (LIGHT/3*/Fairy/Effect/ATK1300/DEF800).

Kaiba: If Wallace cannot find his way out, this will end quick.

Vaan: Royal Knight, direct attack! (1300LP Damage to Wallace)

Wallace 2700/ Vaan 8000

Vaan: My other Royal Knight, direct attack! (1300LP Damage to Wallace)

Wallace 1400/ Vaan 8000

Vaan: Mystic Tomato, we return this man to the path of life! Direct attack! (1400LP Damage to Wallace)

Wallace 0/ Vaan 8000

Announcer: The winner, Vaan!

Joey: He never had a chance! Blocking off his Graveyard was one way of ensuring those Phantom Knights won't be biting back.

Jack: More of a bad hand to be honest. 

Kaiba: Regardless, Wallace's hopes went down the moment Dimension Fissure came to play. 

Joey: That's what I said!

Kaiba: Whatever, what I said made more sense. and the only person who can only agree with your point is in the mirror!

Joey: Hey! Why I oughta... 

Jack: Alright you two, enough with the argument. We will be right back.

1. Cloud (1 - 1)
2. Dino (2 - 0)
3. Frost (2 - 0)
4. Hiro (2 - 0)
5. Irvine (1 - 0) - Duel League Champion
6. Magnus (1 - 0)
7. Odin (1 - 1)
8. Pat (2 - 0)
9. Ryu (1 - 1)
10. Vade (1 - 0)
11. Wallace (1 - 1)
12. Xavi (1 -0)
13. AK (1 -1)
14. Blaze (1 - 1)
15. Crow (0 - 1)
16. Fenix (0 - 2)
17. Gizmo (0 - 1)
18. Mahad (0 - 2)
19. Strike (0 - 1)
20. Tempest (0 - 2)
21. Vaan (1 - 1)
22, Viper (0 - 2)
23. Wolfe (1 - 1)
24. Duke (1 - 0)

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