Episode 10 Dragon and Ice (Frost v. Ryu)

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Kaiba: Well, next up we have 2 rising stars who will try to gain solid footing in the standings. Frost (Rank 3; 3-0) going up against Ryu (Rank 19; 1-2)

Joey: Something tells me, Ryu may be getting that victory 

Jack: I can tell it won't be easy knowing that the Rokkets may be frozen down with the Ice Barriers.

Kaiba: And typical of you to root for the inferior dragon. Knowing you Wheeler!

Announcer: And now we announce the next duelists

Announcer: First, Frost! (Rank 3; 3-0)

Kaiba: Of course, one of the few left without a loss. For sure it will stay that way after all is said and done

Joey: I wouldn't be so sure Seto

Jack: Those Ice Barrier monsters are no slouch

Announcer: And his opponent, Ryu! (Rank 19; 1-2)

Joey: I got a good feeling about this

Kaiba: We agree on something, that Ryu will lose!

Joey: Oh come on Kaiba

Announcer: Let the duel begin!

Turn 1 (Frost 8000; Ryu 8000)
Frost's Main Phase 1

Frost: I summon Speaker for the Ice Barriers (WATER/4*/Spellcaster/Effect/ATK1000/DEF1800). I activate a Continuous Spell Card, Aquarium Stage. WATER monsters I control cannot be destroyed by battle with a non-WATER monster.

Joey: No way, those monsters won't be going to the Graveyard

Kaiba: Unless Frost uses them as Synchro Material

Frost: I end my turn

Turn 2 (Frost 8000; Ryu 8000)
Ryu's Draw Phase then Main Phase 1
Ryu: I set a card and end my turn

Turn 3 (Frost 8000; Ryu 8000)

Frost's Draw Phase then Main Phase 1Frost: I summon Genex Undine(WATER/3*/Aqua/Effect/ATK1200/DEF600). I won't activate its effect as I will tune Speaker for the Ice Barriers with my Genex Undine (4*+3*=7*) to Synchro SUmmon, Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (WATER/7*/Dragon/Synchro/Effect/ATK2500/DEF1700).

Jack: Here it comes!

Frost: I activate Gungnir's effect. I discard up to 2 cards to the graveyard then target the same number of cards my opponent controls then destroy them. I discard Rage of Kairyu-Shin (Quick Play Spell Card) to destroy your lone facedown card

Ryu's facedown Mirror Force Trap Card is destroyed

Kaiba: Open field

Batle Phase
Frost: I attack you directly with Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (ATK2500). (Ryu takes 2500LP Damage)

Frost 8000; Ryu 5500

End Phase
Frost: I end my turn

Turn 4 (Frost 8000; Ryu 5500)
Ryu's Draw Phase then Main Phase 1 
Ryu: I set a monster and end my turn

Turn 5 (Frost 8000; Ryu 5500)
Frost's Draw Phase then Main Phase 1
Frost: I discard Aquaactress Tetra to destroy your facedown monster!

Ryu's facedown Paladin of Felgrand is destroyed

Battle Phase
Frost: Direct attack once more Gungnir! (2500LP Damage to Ryu)

Frost 8000; Ryu 3000

Frost: I move to my End Phase and end my turn

Kaiba: This is a one sided duel. He should ditch Red-Eyes and it shows why

Turn 6 (Frost 8000; Ryu 3000)
Ryu's Draw Phase then Main Phase 1 
Ryu: I send Labradorite Dragon from my hand to the Graveyard to Special SUmmon Defrag Dragon in defense position (DARK/3*/Dragon/Effect/ATK1000/600). I also set a monster in defense to end my turn

Joey: Just hoping luck be on his side

Kaiba: Idiot

Turn 7 (Frost 8000; Ryu 3000)
Frost's Draw Phase then Main Phase 1
Frost: You sure don't know Gungnir too well. I discard Aquarium Lighting and Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier to destroy those two cards on the field.

Defrag Dragon and Ryu's facedown Red Eyes Retro Dragon are destroyed.

Battle Phase
Frost: Now I attack directly once again with Gungnir (2500LP Damage to Ryu)

Frost 8000; Ryu 500

Frost: I move to End Phase and end my turn. At least make this exciting for once

Turn 8 (Frost 8000; Ryu 500)
Ryu's Draw Phase then Main Phase 1 
Ryu: I end my turn

Joey: No!

Kaiba: Red Eyes is inferior!

Turn 9 (Frost 8000; Ryu 500)
Frost's Draw Phase then Main Phase 1
Frost: Couldn't keep up huh?

Battle Phase
Frost: Direct attack and leave this fool in the ice! (2500LP Damage to Ryu)

Frost 8000; Ryu 0

Announcer: The winner, Frost!

Ryu turns away as Frost also walks off after that duel.

Jack: Well no one was in the mood to celebrate or sulk.

Kaiba: As they should be but it goes to show *at Joey* Red Eyes is a third rate duelist's monster!

Joey: You stay out of this Seto!

Kaiba: We'll be right back

1. Dino (3 - 1)
2. Duke (4 - 0)
3. Frost (4 - 0)
4. Hiro (4 - 0)
5. Magnus (3 - 1)
6. Vade (4 - 0)
7. Irvine (2 - 1) (Duel League Champion)
8. Odin (2 - 2)
9. Pat (2 - 1)
10. Vaan (2 - 1)
11: Wallace (2 - 1)
12. Wolfe (2 - 1)
13. AK (1 - 2)
14. Blaze (1 - 2)
15. Cloud (1 - 3)
16. Cobalt (2 -2)
17. Crow (1 - 2)
18. Strike (2- 2)
19. Ryu (1 - 3)
20. Fenix (1 - 3)
21. Kaiser (1 - 3)
22. Mahad (0 - 4)
23. Tempest (0 - 4)
24. Viper (0 - 4)

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