Episode 7 Additional Reinforcements (Duke v. Pat)

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Kaiba: Welcome back to the Duel League and... guys what just happened?

Joey: Well, it seems that we just saw... a surrender. Not a loss.

Jack: Vade may be forming a dark order of sorts or what he calls the Divine Triad. Whatever that could mean?

Kaiba: We will find out soon enough but since we're near the main event, we have news on what will be the next Duels for next week's episode.

Joey: As reported...wait a minute what's goin' on backstage?

Irvine was backstage and then approached by Carly Carmine.

Carly: Irvine, a word with you please?

Irvine: Oh, hey Carly. May I know what for?

Carly: Well, we saw last week that decimating loss from Duke. Does this concern you as the current champion?

Irvine: Let me be the first to say, I underestimated him. He was able to beat down 1 duelist with just one monster. I was the unfortunate one to be decimated by his Machina army. Seeing his duel next will help me see the extents of his skill.

Carly: That is true but remember, if he wins, he takes Pat's Gadget and Ancient Gear cards with him. Does this mean you are analyzing at Pat's expense?

Pat: - approaches Irvine - Champ, Carly, what did I just hear from you?

Irvine: Hey, I'm just here to tell you to keep your guard up. Grind him down with your defense and...

Pat: - cuts off Irvine - Save it! You may have somehow lost but think of it this way. I am now in clear contention for the title. If I win and survive, let me be the first to make clear, I'm coming for that Duel League Championship. Will you excuse me? I have to finish your job to humble a newcomer. - walks away -

Irvine was a bit surprised but then continued his interview with Carly

Irvine: Well, not at his expense actually but at least we all see any holes in his strategy.

AK then shows up to cut off Irvine

AK: Hey chump! I mean champ.

Irvine: Oh boy, what is Daddy's "favorite son" doing here?

AK: You better watch your mouth. I can as easily as defeat you for that duel league championship or at least use you to repeat my message against anyone who sullies the Kaiba name and my own. That - points at every word at Irvine - you will acknowledge me.

Irvine: If that's a challenge for next week, let me show you I haven't lost a step. Just because we're both on 1 win and 1 loss, you're no better than me. I'll prove it to you.

Carly: There we have it. AK faces off against Irvine. Back to you gentlemen.

Commentary Area
Kaiba was noticeably proud of the scene but Joey sensed it was all a ploy

Joey: Just had to bring the champion down huh?

Kaiba: What? I'm just proud of AK making others acknowledge him.

Jack: It didn't have to be that obvious. 

Kaiba: Regardless, we got our main event in AK (Rank 8; Record: 1-1) against the Duel League Champion Irvine (Rank 11; Record: 1-1)

Jack: But from the Commissioner, we don't have much advertised matches until when we broadcast next time. So for now, we head to our main event, Duke v. Pat.

Kaiba: Ah yes, swift offense against slowdown defense.

Joey: But we all saw that duel against Irvine. He didn't stand a chance!

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