2nd Half of the 1st Round: Xavi v. Ryu

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Kaiba: Now onto our next duel. Xavi versus Ryu.

Joey: I got my money on Ryu.

Jack: Apart from him using Red Eyes Black Dragon, why pick him, Wheeler?

Joey: Come on guys, you saw how he was able to beat Mahad out of the 1st round. I feel he can do it again

Kaiba: I doubt it. Given who he will be up against. Someone who uses Geminis and equips?

Jack: This I feel will be one for the ages. So let's go to our announcer

Announcer: This next duel is between Xavi and Ryu. First, Xavi!

Kaiba: I can feel this one will win.

Joey: Don't count out Red Eyes from the battle Kaiba.

Announcer: And his opponent, Ryu!

Kaiba: We've seen this one pull off upsets too. Will we see another one?

Joey: Like hell we will!

Kaiba: That was rhetorical..ooops I have to dumb it down for your fourth rate duelist mind.

Jack: Alright, before we get blood here. To the announcer.

Announcer: Let the duel begin!

Turn 1 (Xavi 8000/ Ryu 8000)
Xavi draws a card

Xavi: Let's get XAVI! - crowd cheers - I summon Vorse Raider (DARK/4*/Beast-Warrior/ATK1900/DEF1200). I end my turn

Turn 2 (Xavi 8000/ Ryu 8000)
Ryu draws a card

Ryu: I set a card facedown to summon, Autorokket Dragon (DARK/3*/Dragon/ATK1600/DEF1000). I end my turn

Turn 3 (Xavi 8000/ Ryu 8000)
Xavi draws a card

Xavi: I summon Evocator Chevalier (FIRE/4*/Warrior/Gemini/ATK1900/DEF900). I activate a Spell Card, Double Summon! This allows me to Normal Summon 1 additional time this turn. So I summon Evocator Chevalier again! (FIRE/4*/Warrior/Gemini/ATK1900/DEF900). It gains the effect that I can send 1 face up Equip Card I control to the graveyard to destroy 1 card my opponent controls. I activate an Equip Spell Card, Horn of the Unicorn. This increases the equipped monster's ATK and DEF by 700 points.

Horn of the Unicorn on Vorse Raider: (DARK/4*/Beast-Warrior/ATK1900/DEF1200) to (DARK/4*/Beast-Warrior/ATK2600/DEF1900)

Xavi: But I will not attack with such a high attack powered monster. I will show mercy. I activate Evocator Chevalier's effect. I send Horn of the Unicorn to my graveyard to destroy your facedown card!

Horn of the Unicorn is sent to the graveyard to destroy the facedown Spell/Trap on Ryu's field (Magic Cylinder)

Xavi: Horn of the Unicorn's effect activates. WHen it is sent from the field to the graveyard. this card returns to the top of my Deck.

Horn of the Unicorn is placed on top of Xavi's deck

Xavi: I attack Autorokket with Evocator!

Autorokket Dragon is destroyed by battle

Xavi 8000/ Ryu 7700

Xavi: Vorse Raider, direct attack! 

Xavi 8000/ Ryu 5800

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