Duel League Episode 2 Facing off against Ghosts (Wallace v. Mahad)

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Carly: Right now, we are backstage here with Pat...wow a lot of getting used to. 

Pat walked in frame, giving Carly the cold eyes

Carly: Pat, you changed your name earlier. Why? Why the need to shed away your skin from being someone associated to Yugi Muto?

Pat: Did you not hear? I wanted to be my true self. Not someone who calls himself reminding others of someone he literally is not. Hence my name change.

Mahad: - walks in frame - blah blah blah. Change your name all you like but you're nothing but a loser! 

Pat walked out of the interview

Mahad: Uh....oh! Yeah you better run!

Wallace then walks in

Wallace: So you're the one they call the ghost of the past. Guess what? You're going up against someone who's used the Phantom knights. Let's see if you can still bring up the past against me? 

Mahad: So you want me to humble you?

Wallace: I will be the one humbling you. See you out there in the duel field! - walks out -

Commentary area

Kaiba: Well wow. So we will be having an impromptu match between Wallace and Mahad. 

Joey: Well one who uses Yug's monsters as well against someone who...well he was almost in the 2nd half of the 1st round.

Jack: But he got routed by Fenix. We all saw that back and forth between those two. Let's see if the risk taking Dark Magician user will vanquish the Phantom Knight user. Onward to our announcer then?

Announcer: For this next duel, the competitors will march out here. First, Wallace!

Kaiba: Well, the Phantom Knight user is here again.

Joey: Kinda fitting because Mahad here is trying to be a ghost of the past. But Wallace will prove and in his words, show Mahad how a real phantom in combat

Jack: These Phantom Knights are never a good news.finding ways to banish but its effects may temper down his strength.

Announcer: And his opponent, Mahad!

Kaiba: Of course, driving home the point that he is THE GAME.

Joey: Kinda sad. But he got enough strength not to be lower in the standings

Jack: Let us see if he can back the talk from trash talking earlier.

Announcer: Let the duel begin!

Turn 1 (Wallace 8000/ Mahad 8000)
Wallace draws a card

Wallace: I set a card and end my turn

Turn 2 (Wallace 8000/ Mahad 8000)
Mahad draws a card

Mahad: I set three cards facedown and activate a Spell Card, Goblin Thief. I inflict 500 Life Point damage to my opponent and increase my Life Points by 500 points.

Wallace 7500/ Mahad 8500

Mahad: I end my turn. Ha! Eat that!

Turn 3 (7500/ Mahad 8500)
Wallace draws a card

Kaiba: None of them have monsters on the field, Could the stalemate end here?

Joey: Someone's gotta hit hard and now!

Wallace: I activate a Spell Card, Reinforcement of the Army.I add 1 level 4 (4*) or lower Warrior monster to my hand from the deck. I add, The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves (3*) to my hand. And I summon it (DARK/3*/Warrior/ATK1000/DEF500). 

Mahad: Really? a weak monster?

Wallace: My friend, you sure love to look down on us? Well I special summon from the hand, Kagemucha Knight in attack position (DARK/3*/Warrior/ATK0/DEF0) as part of its effect.

Mahad: - laughing - So when is the part that I should be quaking in my boots?

Wallace: Would say...right about now! I overlay my monsters to XYZ summon The  Phantom Knights of Break Sword in attack position (DARK/Rank 3/ Warrior/ATK2000/DEF1000). 

Kaiba: XYZ summoning? Wow!

Wallace: That's not all. I activate The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves. Since it was used as an XYZ Material for a Dark XYZ monster, the XYZ monster will gain 1000 ATK points

Due to The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves
The Phantom Knights of Break Sword ATK (2000 -> 3000)

Joey: No way!

Wallace: I attack you directly!

Wallace 7500/ Mahad 5500

Jack: Wallace hitting hard!

Wallace: I end my turn

Turn 4 (Wallace 7500/ Mahad 5500)
Mahad draws a card

Mahad: I end...my turn

Jack: Where's the swagger from earlier? Where's the trash talking now?

Kaiba: Maybe Mahad here realizes, he's nothing mroe than a Third Rate Duelist with a Fourth Rate Deck and deserves his spot!

Turn 5 (Wallace 7500/ Mahad 5500)
Wallace draws a card

Wallace: I set another card and attack directly with The Phantom Knights of Break Sword. Phantom Slash!

Wallace 7500/ Mahad 2500

Wallace: I end my turn.

Turn 6 (Wallace 7500/ Mahad 2500)
Mahad draws a card

Mahad: I end....my turn

Turn 7 (Wallace 7500/ Mahad 2500)
Wallace draws a card

Wallace: It's over. Direct attack!

Wallace 7500/ Mahad 0

Announcer: The winner, Wallace!

Kaiba: Domination at its finest.

Joey: Mahad never had a chance

Jack: Wallace went crazy! Surely had it not been for the positioning in the tournament, his place would be higher in the ranks.

Mahad then ran away in total shame as Wallace celebrated his victory

Commentary area

Kaiba: Alright, now that we got a ranking system ongoing, I must address this now. Wilde has been released as he opted to no longer duel. So we are now back to 24 with the updated rankings

1. Irvine - Duel League Champion
2. Blaze
3. Vade
4. Odin
5. AK
6. Ryu
7. Strike
8. Pattou
9. Fenix
10. Xavi
11. Draco
12. Viper
13. Vaan
14. Dino
15. Crow
16. Tempest
17. Wallace
18. Mahad
19. Wolfe
20. Gizmo
21. Hiro
22, Frost
23. Cloud
24. Magnus 

Jack: And also, starting the next edition, Rank battles will be a thing. The above rankings save for the champion may change. More on that in a bit.

Joey: For now, we got more action before we head to our main event. Stay with us!

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