Duel League Genesis: Burning Metal (Blaze v. Kaiser)

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Backstage after Pat v. Crimson
Crimson walks back and he sees a displeased Cobalt with Vade beside him.

Cobalt: What the hell was that?

Crimson: I had him alright?

Cobalt: You let him duel circles around you. He beat you and yet you couldn't use Sliffer....

Crimson: Slifer isn't in my hand!

Cobalt: Then find a way to get it there then

Vade: *voice booms* SILENCE!

Cobalt and Crimson stop speaking as Vade continues.

Vade: You've yet to prove yourself worthy enough to wield Slifer that it hides deep in your vessel. Cobalt has already wielded Obelisk to deal a victory. Crimson, keep watch here while Cobalt and I demonstrate domination by the use of Sacred Beasts and the Gods properly.

Crimson nods but Cobalt doesn't let Vade have the last word.

Cobalt: We're teaming up on Duel League after Genesis. You better not be the anchor and learn to take direction 

Crimson looked irritated as Cobalt and Vade walk away.

Commentary Area
Kaiba: It wasn't a victory as expected but Vade did have some truth to what he had said

Jack: Right now we move on with the show as coming up next, we have a revival in progress as Blaze will try to fan the flames to keep away the domination of the Cyber Dragons, courtesy of Kaiser.

Joey: Onto the next duel then

Announcer: Duel League Genesis continues with the next duel. First, Blaze! (Rank 17; 1-3)

Jack: The fiery, out of the box, Blaze is up first as we have seen his winning ways since the tournament. However, much is to be desired after that with only 1 win so far.

Kaiba: And up against someone who can bring out monsters quick, I expect he can pick up the pace

Joey: Well as he said when he challenged Kaiser, metal burns in intense heat. This may be one of those times to see if it will indeed happen

Announcer: And his opponent, Kaiser! (Rank 20; 1-3)

Kaiba: Here comes one of the new dominant duelists who were able to climb back out from the basement and I see him getting away from those losing ways of old

Jack: From a hybrid Cyber Dragon-Roids deck to a pure Cyber Dragon deck, the wins have started and I see it not stopping for him.

Announcer: Let the duel begin!

Turn 1 (Blaze 8000; Kaiser 8000)
Blaze's Main Phase 1
Blaze: I set 2 cards facedown and summon Flamvell Firedog (FIRE/4*/Beast/Effect/ATK1900/DEF200). I end my turn

Turn 2 (Blaze 8000; Kaiser 8000)
Kaiser's Draw Phase then Main Phase 1
Kaiser: *smirking* You will be lucky if you get past this turn. I set a card and activate a Spell Card, Cyber Emergency. I can add 1 LIGHT Machine monster that cannot be Normal Summoned/Set, or 1 Cyber Dragon monster from my Deck to my hand. I add of course, *smirks some more* Cyber Dragon.

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