Episode 8 Spell Counter Storm (Magnus v. Tempest)

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Backstage after the duel
Mahad was all angry and frustrated after another loss earlier. He had been pondering if his being a duelist meant something. That is until he ran into a blue robed gentleman.

Mahad: Watch it you....wait a minute...do I know you?

???: You know not.

Mahad: What the hell... then get out of my way!

Vade: - suddenly walks in - Oh, here you are. I see you two have met?

Mahad: You two have met? He ran into me! 

Vade: Well, let me ask you? How goes your mission for revenge and getting out of the shadow of someone from your past?

Mahad: He beat me. I still wield the cards that HE gave me but I have not had such luck. I want to beat him downt o put him in his place. To make the doubters bow down!

Vade: Well, I want to put that to the test but it is not I that yo will face.... but my new disciple here. You may know him then as Xavi. But now he goes by a new name, my child - to Xavi - shall you make yourself known to him?

Cobalt: The name of this servant is Cobalt. Servant and member of the Divine Triad.

Mahad: Divine Triad, there's only two of you. Where is the third?

Vade: You will meet him soon enough but my servant here needs a viable challenger. I see you fueled with bitterness, anger, vengeance. Don't you want to lash out on Cobalt next week?

Mahad: I'm about to show you that I won't just be beat!

Kaiba: Well, guess we got an advertised match for the next episode this early. 

Joey: That explains what happened with Xavi! So now we have Cobalt who we will know more of next week

Jack: The hint is from when Vade handed Obelisk down to Cobalt. But we don't know what else will be in store until then

Kaiba: But right now, we got ourselves another duel between Magnus and Tempest

Jack: Oh yes, Magnus. Another member of the zero loss column club against Tempest, someone of promise who has yet to earn a win.

Joey: Quite harsh when put that way but ....

Kaiba: Sit down Mr. Can-Only-Beat-Duelist-in-the Mirror.

Jack: Alright, time we go to our announcer.

Announcer: Duel League continues with the next ranked duel!

Announcer: First, Magnus! (Rank 5; Record: 2-0)

Kaiba: This will be interesting because he has found ways to use spellcasters and spell counters to get wins. 

Joey: This will be quite the challenge. He will be facing someone who rids his opponent of their Spells and Traps.

Jack: We've seen Magnus get out wins but have yet to see the real power behind that deck, Endymion.

Announcer: and his opponent, Tempest! (Rank 23; Record 0-2)

Kaiba: In comes another winless duelist

Joey: Well, maybe today's the day you know?

Jack: Your optimism is quite admirable or you're just an idiot Wheeler

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