Duel League Genesis: Sacred Beasts v. Phantom Knights (Vade v. Wallace)

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Kaiba: After that loss, we're now...wait we're receiving word from our backstage correspondent Carly Carmine that Tempest is with her now. Come in Carly

Carly: We're here now with Tempest. And let me be the first to say, despite the loss, it was still quite the duel..

Tempest: *grabs the mic* Oh shut it with that fake sportsmanship drivel. I've just had about it with chokers. I didn't choke, let us make that clear. I had a plan in mind, Vaan for all his crap about being a strategist suddenly became brainless and did all those brainless moves.

Carly: But you were leading at one point

Tempest: And he blocked out all our Graveyards? Idiot! But fine, I will be gracious because with that type of stupidity, I know I can finally get off the winless club at his expense. I challenge you to a duel Vaan! I will be the start of your road to losses. Count on it! *storms off*

Carly: Back to you commentary team

Arenaside Commentary Area
Jack: I will be the first to say, that is just poor sportsmanship but it cannot be helped that the Aesir was unleashed. 

Kaiba: That it is and we have just received word that at the Kazuki Takahashi Memorial Edition of Duel League, Vaan accepts but I believe it is someone ON BEHALF of Vaan who answered the challenge

Joey: That is just odd

Kaiba: Like your wins

Jack: Alright before this goes down off path, we have to continue the show with Vade going one on one with Wallace. Announcer if you please

Announcer: Duel League Genesis continues with this next contest

Announcer: Making his way down the aisle, Vade! (Rank 4; 4-0)

Kaiba: Not an entirely good start to his alliance with a loss earlier from Crimson at the hands of Pat.

Jack: Crimson's habits never died upon his rebirth but now we see a furious master go up against someone whose powers come from destruction.

Vade goes to his side of the duel field, awaiting for the opposition

Announcer: And his opponent, Wallace! (Rank 8; Record 3-1)

Joey: This will not be for the faint of heart

Kaiba: Right. Sacred Beasts against Phantom Knights. 

Announcer: Let the duel begin!

Turn 1 (Vade 8000; Wallace 8000)
Vade's Main Phase 1
Vade: I set three cards and end my turn

Kaiba: Unlikely that this be his first move

Turn 2 (Vade 8000; Wallace 8000)
Wallace's Draw Phase then Main Phase 1
Wallace: I set 3 cards facedown and activate a Spell Card, Reinforcement of the Army. 

Joey: No way!

Wallace: I add 1 Level 4 or lower Warrior monster from the deck to my hand. I add The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves and summon it! (DARK/3*/Warrior/Effect/ATK1000/DEF500)

Battle Phase
Wallace: I attack directly with The Pahntom Knights of Ragged Gloves! (1000LP Damage to Vade)

Vade 7000; Wallace 8000

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