Episode 6 Cold Winds (Frost v. Tempest)

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Kaiba: After that explosive opening to this episode, up next we have quite a challenge up next. 

Joey: That is right, Frost v. Tempest. An exhibition of Ice against Wind. 

Jack: We shall see which reigns supreme.

Announcer: This next bout is a ranked duel!

Announcer: First, Frost!

Kaiba: Ah yes, the first round favorite that lost out to the eventual champion

Joey: Well, the 1-0 record begs to differ but he has been gaining ground

Jack: Joey's right, this one may be a favorite for a title run soon enough.

Announcer: And his opponent, Tempest!

Kaiba: This one is a loud mouth!

Joey: Takes one to know one you know!

Kaiba: Oh and whose bet lost last time?

Jack: Alright, AK and/or Ryu are not competing now. But Tempest has some ground to gain in order to be able to compete for the Duel League championship.

Announcer: Let the duel....begin!

Turn 1 (Frost 8000/ Tempest 8000)
Frost Main Phase 1

Frost: I set a monster in facedown defense to end my turn

Turn 2 (Frost 8000/ Tempest 8000)
Tempest draws a card

Tempest: I set two cards facedown. I summon Sonic Duck (WIND/3*/Winged Beast/ATK1700/DEF700). I activate a Quick Play Spell Card, Reload. I add to my hand to my Deck and shuffle it, then draw the same number of cards that I added to my deck. I currently have two cards so back they go!

Tempest then returns the 2 cards in his hand to the deck as he shuffles and draws out another two cards

Tempest: Alright, Sonic Duck, attack Frost's facedown monster!

Sonic Duck (ATK1700) attacks Frost's facedown defense monster, which was Ronintoadin (WATER/2*/Aqua/Effect/ATK100/DEF2000). (300LP damage to Tempest)

Frost 8000/ Tempest 7700

Tempest: I set two more cards facedown and end my turn.

Turn 3 (Frost 8000/ Tempest 7700)
Frost draws a card

Frost: I end my turn

Kaiba: What is going on?

Joey: The winds are strong perhaps?

Turn 4 (Frost 8000/ Tempest 7700)
Tempest draws a card

Tempest: I set a card and end my turn

Turn 5 (Frost 8000/ Tempest 7700)
Frost draws a card

Frost: I set a card to end my turn

Turn 6 (Frost 8000/ Tempest 7700)
Tempest draws a card

Tempest: I end my turn

Joey: No one is attacking or is able to summon another monster!

Jack: Deadlock

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