Episode 8 Dragons, Fiends and Fairies (Ryu v. Vaan)

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Kaiba: And we are back with quite a match up. It will be between Ryu and Vaan.

Jack: We've seen Vaan dismantle Wallace after getting rid of his Graveyard and Ryu will be one who needs the Graveyard to tap into the powers of the Rokkets and the Red-Eyes.

Joey: Aye, maybe Ryu will have the chance to win

Kaiba: Since both duelists have identical records, a coin toss has been done and their entrance order will show who will go first. 

Announcer: The following is a ranked duel!

Announcer: First, Ryu! (Rank: 13; Record: 1-1)

Joey: This one shows promise....

Kaiba: But I feel this one may be collapsing real quick

Jack: Come on, too early for that.

Announcer: And his opponent, Vaan! (Rank 15; Record: 1-1)

Kaiba: With this one going second, this will be quite the challenge for Ryu

Jack: We see this one rendering Graveyards useless.

Joey: This will be bad real early.

Announcer: Let the duel begin!

Turn 1 (Ryu 8000/ Vaan 8000)
Ryu's Main Phase
Ryu: I set two cards facedown and a monster in facedown defense to end my turn

Turn 2 (Ryu 8000/ Vaan 8000)
Vaan draws a card

Vaan's Main Phase 1
Vaan: I set two cards and a monster in facedown defense to call it a turn

Kaiba: Similar moves huh?

Turn 3 (Ryu 8000/ Vaan 8000)
Ryu draws a card

Ryu's Main Phase 1
Ryu: I summon Silverrokket Dragon (DARK/4*/Dragon/Effect/ATK1900/DEF100). 

Ryu's Battle Phase
Ryu: I attack your facedown monster with Silverrokket Dragon (ATK1900)

Silverrokket Dragon (ATK1900) attacks Vaan's facedown Banisher of the Light (LIGHT/3*/Fairy/Effect/ATK100/DEF2000) (Ryu takes 100LP Damage)

Ryu 7900/ Vaan 8000

Kaiba: He'd better be careful of cards being sent to the graveyard because so long as that Banisher of the Light is faceup, any cards being sent to the Graveyard is banished instead.

Jack: Once again, a duelist losing their Graveyard.

Ryu's End Phase
Ryu: I end my turn

Turn 4 (Ryu 7900/ Vaan 8000)
Vaan draws a card

Vaan's Main Phase 1
Vaan: I summon Majestic Mech - Ohka (LIGHT/6*/Fairy/Effect/ATK2400/DEF1400).

Joey: Hey, what's the big idea?

Vaan: I can Normal Summon Ohka without a Tribute but should I do so, I send it to the Graveyard during the End Phase.

Kaiba: Makes sense

Vaan's Battle Phase
Vaan: I attack Silverrokket Dragon (ATK1900) with Majestic Mech-Ohka (ATK2400)

Silverrokket Dragon is destroyed and is removed out of play due to Banisher of the Light's effect (500LP Damage to Ryu)

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