Duel League Episode 2 - Main Event Title Defense(Irvine v. Blaze)

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Kaiba: Now we have arrived to this point. The main event of this edition.

Joey: If I were Strike, I'd watch carefully wherever he is at. 

Jack: That is right. And apart from that, this is the Duel League Championship Tournament Finals rematch.

Kaiba: Then let us head to our announcer

Announcer: It's...time for the main event of the evening! And it is for the Duel League Championship. The challenger, Blaze!

Kaiba: The man may be out first but he is the challenger. He will do his turn after the champion due to the Champion's advantage

Joey: Apart from that, we've seen Blaze be able to counter his opponents and cause field destructions.

Jack: It remains to be seen if Blaze can indeed be the next Duel League champion

Announcer: And the Duel League Champion, Irvine!

Kaiba: Here comes the inaugural champion. The Link summon specialist

Joey: They seem powerful but let us see

Jack: If you gentlemen recall, Irvine did not use any Link Monsters in the championship duel. Maybe tonight is the night

Announcer: Let the Duel.....begin!

Turn 1 (Irvine 8000/ Blaze 8000)
Irvine draws a card

Irvine: I summon Texchanger (DARK/1*/Cyberse/ATK100/DEF100). I also set 3 cards facedown and end my turn.

Turn 2 (Irvine 8000/ Blaze 8000)
Blaze draws a card

Blaze: I set a monster in defense and 4 cards facedown to end my turn.

Kaiba: Usually Blaze will be in attack but not this time

Turn 3 (Irvine 8000/ Blaze 8000)
Irvine draws a card

Irvine: I summon Salamangreat Zebroid X (FIRE/4*/Cyberse/ATK1500/DEF1000).

Jack: Irvine in the offensive? This is not new

Irvine: Zebroid X, attack his facedown monster!

Salamangreat Zebroid X attacks Blaze's facedown Prominene Hand (FIRE/4*/Pyro/ATK600/DEF2000). Irvine takes life point damage of 500 Life poitns

Irvine 7500/ Blaze 8000

Blaze: Got careless now champ?

Irvine: I end my turn

Turn 4 (Irvine 7500/ Blaze 8000)
Blaze draws a card

Blaze: I summon Fire King Avatar Barong (FIRE/4*/Beast-Warrior/ATK1800/DEF200).

Kaiba: Blaze on the offensive. But he has to be careful about Texchanger.

Blaze: I attack your Texchanger.

Joey: Spoke too soon...

Irvine: I activate Texchanger's effect, when a monster of mine is targeted for an attack. I can negate the attack then Special SUmmon 1 yberse Normal Monster from my hand, graveyard or deck. I select from my hand, Suppression Collider (DARK/8*/Cyberse/ATK2800/DEF2600).

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