一 morning beauty

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WHAT IN THE KEN WAKUI─ ❜ the woman fussed as she attempted to throw her fists in the air . waking up in a strange room wasn’t something she expected after accidentally drowning herself in her little niece tub . call her dumb , but it all was planned .

she was tired of life just as much as life is tired of her suicidal ass .

however this isn’t the time to joke around ── she was very much disturbed by the fact that she’s in a stranger’s room ; provoking the anxiety inside her to worsen . she wanted to get up and run away , perhaps fight whichever motherfucker dare kidnapped her fine ass but couldn’t . . .

because right now she is a small , chubby and soft baby .

she begin to scream but instead of sounding like a maniac , it came out as soft whiney noises and by now her eyesight was blurry by the pool of tears .

she look up to the ceiling and attempted to grab and feel anything with her fingertips . unfortunately , it was all impossible .

‘i didn’t die for this shiet’ even Fate hates her that it decided to reincarnate her again .

her ears caught the sounds of footsteps getting closer to the room she was in . she patiently stare at the door to see whoever it is and was ready to let out the ugliest outcry .

after all , people don’t like the sound of a baby crying right ?

the door cracks open revealing a buff man who looks like he’s in his late 30s . looks like somebody’s father . ‘is this the childless mf who thought it was fun to kidnapped me ? or what ?’

“poor thing . you’ve been crying huh ?” the man cooed as he carefully pick her up from the cradle . ‘IM A HUMAN NOT A THING’

she wails once again , uneasy at the way the man is holding her so graciously . the sound she made resulted in a soft hush from the said man and she was quite surprised by the sluggish action that made her chubby cheeks heat up instantly .

the man carried her with care and make sure to watch her reaction to see any discomfort . he sure looks scary and buff as heck , but never would she thought he is a softie when it comes to babies .

“im not leaving you , papa was just cooking in the kitchen” what papa– hearing such an unpredictable word came out from his mouth , made her blink . she tried hard to comprehend whatever the heck that was uttered .

knowing that she has parents right now , frightens her .

she doesn’t want to be a disappointment to her family again . most of all , she doesnt want to feel isolated and abandoned again .

her lips quiver slightly as her prominent heterochromia eyes fill with the familiar transparent , crystal-like bead . the man became panicked at the sudden response . was he too scary ? too old ? or is it because she’s just hungry ?

he didn’t know what’s happening yet thoroughly , he soothes her back while whispering sweet nothing . it works because the cries begin to fade away deliberately .

her heart almost exploded in shock when the door bang open and there stand two boys . “WE'RE BAC─ she’s awake already ? !” the one who seems to be the oldest beam seeing the sight of her baby form .

this began to frighten her even more .

“mm-hm . and where did you two go ? i thought you’re just going to play in the backyard ?” the man raises an eyebrow towards the boys in which who seems to be the oldest one reply with an awkward laugh .

she was a bit stunned when the pair hastily approach her . the oldest one flashes a smile towards her with eyes full of tenderness meanwhile his hand gently pinch her chubby cheek . “you haven’t opened your eyes ever since your birthday two days ago . welcome to the world , Asami

he grins , “the name’s Taji , your big bro !” between the sun or this boy who’s standing in front of her , this boy shines the most . especially his smile ── he just had this unusual charm that nobody has .

‘thank Wakui . i thought it was Taiju’

“. . Samuru” the little boy mumbled lowly , his fingers fiddle with one another nervously . Taji nudge him and said something but still , he didn’t say anything after that . ‘Samuru’ was just staring at who’s supposed to be his little sister ── those red eyes gawk at her small figure so lovingly , yet his fingertips still played with the ham of his shirt nervously .

‘Samuru . .’  how strange , Taji has a pair of opalascent violet eyes . meanwhile Samuru has a pair of radiant ruby ones , chilling yet so glorious .

“Asami ? but we already agreed on to name her Yuriko , right ?” the father recalls back to their agreement . “then Asami shall be her nickname that came from me . a perfect one who was born in the morning” Taji dismissed what their father just asserted and focus on his little sister instead . he keeps poking her chubby cheek playfully .

“again , welcome to the Kai family , Yuriko .  . .”

that was the last thing , the last sentence that managed to trigger her whole being .

at this point , she’s being suffocated by Taji and Samuru but couldn’t care less since she just found out some shit that is too terrific yet amazing about herself .

she saw a slight glimpse of her reflection on the reflector and was albeit astonished . a special case in which she , herself couldn’t imagine it ── the right eye has the same color as Taji and as for her left one , is menacing scarlet as Samuru’s . she has such lustrous watches that the oddity propels her to wonder what kind of hereditary she has that runs her blood as for this life .

the poor soul was trying to excavate what kind of world did she got thrown into because there is no way . . . .

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