五十二 yugen

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AFTER COMING BACK FROM AN awful future and realising that Naoto died in the other timeline , Takemichi has no other choice but to meet up with Mikey himself ── in order to gain more information so he can piece up the puzzle . now even Hina knew about his time-leaping and the future ; yet she said she did not hear a thing , implicitly promising to protect her beloved’s  secret .

          with his motivation renewed , Takemichi deduces that his enemy is Kurokawa Izana whose presence accelerated Mikey’s fall into darkness and the reason why both Kakucho and Yuriko got caught up in the mess of gang ; which he think was all contrived by Kisaki . while walking behind Draken who’s leading the way toward Mikey’s room , Takemichi silently pondering about ways to find out more about Izana .

         and why Yuriko is there , was there , and had been there .

         albeit feeling a bit exhausted by his tangled thoughts , Takemichi is still determine to change the future and to do the best as he can .

         right now , Izana is the biggest threat along with Kisaki . . . or , is he ?

          “i see . . . Kurokawa Izana huh .”

         “he was Black Dragon's 8th Captain and now Tenjiku . maybe he has connection to Shinichiro .” Draken speculates out of nowhere that it silence Mikey instantly . “... before i confronted the 9th Generation of Black Dragon , i talked to my brother ...”

         Takemichi ears perk up at this . “r-really ? what did he said ?”

         averting his gaze away , Mikey recalled back to the conversation he had with his late big brother years ago . “Shinichiro let me do whatever i want since he left Black Dragon for me . he told me to share it with her too ; a tribute for that man . but it was not clear who she was , because my brother didnt tell me her name .”

        hearing that , Takemichi gave Mikey a confused face . “that man ?”

        “Ta-chan .” Mikey eyes glint in a bit of joy upon mentioning the 'unfamiliar' nickname . his mood changed drastically causing the time-leaper to be even more weirded out , nevertheless Draken only shook his head and sigh . “Ta-chan was my brother’s best friend . he was like a big brother to me too .”

        feeling a bit suspicious , Takemichi shoot another question . a question that he had no idea will become very important in the future . “may i know his full name ?”  “...Taji ?”

        the time-leaper feel quite shock by the sudden revelation that was like a bolt from the blue , he remember someone mentioned that name once but forget who it was . “umm , his full name ?”

        Mikey hum , rubbing his chin playfully as Draken continue to tie his hair . “Nakazawa isnt his real name , thats what my brother said . but somehow it is still related to Ta-chan .”

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