五 saving you

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YURIKO WANDER AIMLESSLY AT THE quiet neighbourhood . she did not know where she is , but couldn’t care less . her ears caught the voices of people yelling , some grunting in pain. she hurries towards the direction of the playground – only to see five high school boys gang up on a little boy who looks about her age .

“. . .”

she keep watching as the teenagers taunted the little boy . a part of her wanted to save him , yet the devil side told her to sit back and watch . “God , if i save him , grant my wish alright ?” her wish to meet Shinichiro of course .

one of them was about to punch the boy again , but got kicked right on his face by a smaller foot . “damn , that whale just passed out” Yuriko mutter under her breath .

the fat boy fell unconscious on the ground , alarming everyone there . “huhh ? you little bitch- wanna get beat too ?” one of them insulted as they slowly reach Yuriko while grinning .

seeing they’re about to harm her , Yuriko was quick to grab a block of wood, a fucking wood , and knock them unconscious . let’s just hope their heads are as hard as Taka-chan’s 🙏

the boy stays unmoving on the ground as he watches how Yuriko stepped on the bodies . her movements are swift in which he admire it and found it amazing although Yuriko was just swinging the damn wood around .

“you guys have nothing better to do rather than ganging up on a child ? your dads should've used protection smh

who is she ?

he's too busy staring at her in awe while standing up from the ground . Yuriko then turned around to look at him and gasp in shock , which confused the boy .

Yuriko pointed her index finger towards his shirt with an astonished expression , “tangina , si optimus prime !!”

his eyebrows creased until he get what Yuriko meant ── she was referring to the picture of optimus prime that was printed on his shirt . his mouth formed an ‘O’ upon the realization . “by the way ,”

Yuriko points at his face , “your nose is all bloody and there's blood on your shirt too . here , wipe it” Yuriko says while handing out a white handkerchief from her trouser's pocket . she got up , cracking her knuckles in the process . “next time , kill those bastards”

he gulps. “who are you ?”

“the gender-bend Dazai”

“huh ?”

Yuriko know who is this boy , right away when she managed to catch a glimpse of his face . 'well shit'

“why did you save me ?” the boy ask again while wiping his bloody nose . “some people think they are worthless and the truth is they are , but ...”

her heterochromatic eyes glancing directly at him , “people like you are the world's precious gem . the adults are already rotten . but we are still young therefore we can change lots of things” Yuriko shrug .

his iridescent orchid eyes twinkle in liking , that was until Yuriko gasped and yell out 'shit'

“what time is it ?! they must be searching for me !" she panics while grabbing her head in the process . good job Yuriko .

“i gotta go . keep the handkerchief . see you later !” Yuriko spat whatever she has inside her mind at the moment , already forgetting all the words she's about to say for their farewell , as of now . well , what a grand way for a dramatic escape .

the boy was quite overwhelmed by how everything happened so fast . then he remembers the last question he didn’t have the chance to ask . . .


“YURIKO ! !”


Yuriko heard it but she keep fleeing as if she’s being chased by bunch of invincible hellhounds .

Izana let out a sigh , but his lips slowly curve into a smile later . it’s not like he can't fight back or kick asses , but he was just giving the high schoolers chance to beat him . and then at some point he plans to get up and kill them right here at the playground .

he is a broken child . his father left him behind and his mother was hardly there ─ those family problems really do something about his mental health , although he is only 6 years old .

nobody is there for him ─ only his big brother , well , an adoptive big brother . Izana had always sought love and appreciation , but no matter how hard he tried , he never perceive it . he always wanted to get cheered for the little things he did , but never get any .

          he feels lonely . . . so lonely . . .

and alone . . .

but somehow this ( mentally ill ) girl . . .

he stared at the white handkerchief on his hand . it has a bunny pattern on it and it smells like strawberry . 'cute'

Yuriko didn’t realize she just pokemon her second fanboy . obsessive one at that .

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A/N ;

izana <3

izana <3

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