三十三 losing interest

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"𝗣𝗟𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗘 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗔𝗚𝗔𝗜𝗡 ." the cashier bow in gratitude in front of the two teenagers who seem to be in their own little world . Mikey and Yuriko walk out of the cafe together as they chatter loudly ── oblivious to the stares everyone have been giving them .

after they went into yet another sweet shop , Yuriko excuse herself to deliver the treats to a certain someone . "Mikey , i need to go ."

Mikey furrow his eyebrows , "where ?"

"to my cousin's ."

"may i follow ?"

"as much as i enjoy your presence , im afraid i also need some privacy ." the girl pat the head of the pouting boy . "if you wanna hang out with me , text me anytime ."

this causes Mikey to smile to himself . his eyes stare at the walking figure ── "i dont mind keeping you all for myself either."

Yuriko exhale as her eyes roam around the people at the street . although a thick layer of clouds hid the sun , the air wasn't any cooler .

too focus on checking her phone , she accidentally bump onto someone ── perhaps someone's chest . Yuriko groan at the hard effect , rubbing her forehead . "hmm ? what do we have here ?"

yet , another unfamiliar sexy voice .

she look up and her heterochromia eyes instantly met with pair of purple ones ── which belongs to the boy with round glasses . he is shock by the sudden eyes contact causing him to quickly look away . his cheeks couldnt feel better because it's getting warmer .

she move her gaze towards the taller one , who has a lazy smile on his face .


"i dont have time ." Yuriko glare and started to walk away . instead of leaving her alone , the Haitani brothers trail behind her .

well , more like Ran is the eager one .

although Rindō huff and roll his eyes like he doesnt care , in fact his heart is beating a little bit too fast for his liking and at the thought of the girl who managed to caught his interest few weeks ago is in front of him at the moment .

"what do you want ?"

"your name ." Ran who is now walking on her right smile at the shorter figure . while Rindō walk on her left side. "dont look down at me like that ! im not that short !"

he hum in amusement , "how tall are you then ?"

"5'6 . not that short , Annabelle ."

Ran eye twitch at the nickname while Rindō on the other hand , turn to the side silently laughing to himself .

"such a smart mouth . it'll get you into trouble one day~"

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