六十八 before i close my eyes

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DEATH, the inevitable end of all things. it holds no allegiance to anyone and no remorse, a cold and heartless force that will claim us all, sooner or later. the finality of it all is the stuff of nightmares, the knowledge that our lives are but a fleeting moment in time, a fleeting spark that will eventually fade into the oblivion of nothingness.

and yet, in the midst of this darkness, there is a bittersweetness. for it is death that gives life its meaning, that makes us value every moment of existence, that makes us recognize the significance of the people and the things we hold dear. it is death that gives us the courage to seize the day, to live every moment as if it were our last, for we know that we have been blessed with the opportunity to do so.

and when the time comes for our last breath, let us go with grace, knowing that we have loved and been loved, that we have lived a life worth living, that we have left our mark upon this world. for it is in the bittersweetness of death that we find the beauty of life, and it is this beauty that we shall carry with us beyond the grave.

Yuriko's heart raced as she sat up, her body drenched in sweat and her eyes wide open. she had just experienced the worst nightmare of her life, a nightmare that seemed to last an eternity. her breath was labored, and her body trembled as she struggled to process what had just happened.

as her eyes cleared, she saw the crimson red eyes belonging to Ryou, her beloved cousin, gazing back at her with an expression that seemed to be a mixture of concern and awe. her breath hitched, for in that moment, she realized that this is either reality or just some of her hallucination.

“Asami? are you alright? you look pale..” Ryou said as he place his hand on Yuriko’s forehead.

as she met his gaze, she felt a wave of comfort wash over her, a sense that everything was going to be alright.

the nightmare was just a dream, and she was safe, surrounded by the love and protection of those who cared about her the most. the tension in her muscles eased, and her heart slowed to a more normal pace.

she couldn't hold back her tears of joy, feeling grateful for the moment of intimacy, knowing that she had been given a second chance at life. she took a shaky breath and closed her eyes, grateful for the comfort that Ryou's presence offered. for in that moment, she knew that she was not alone, that she was loved, and that she would always have someone to turn to when the nightmares threatened to overwhelm her.

“A-Asami?! are you crying?” the three of them panicked as they rushed towards her on the bed. Yuriko chuckle while wiping off her tears and what shocked them the most is when she suddenly gave them a tight hug.

Yuriko laughed weakly, the sound barely above a whisper. "i thought i died!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with disbelief and a touch of awe. Miki and Tokio exchanged looks, confusion clearly written on their faces. "dumbass, you were sleeping," Ryou chimed in.

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