四十一 calm before the storm

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𝗧𝗔𝗞𝗘𝗠𝗜𝗖𝗛𝗜 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗔 𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗔𝗧 the shrine for New Year’s Eve . there , they encounter Mitsuya and his younger sisters , along with Hakkai and Yuzuha . “huh ? Mitsuya-kun , are those your two little sisters i’ve heard about ?”

         he bend down to match their heights and smile sweetly , “how old are you ? what little angels♡”

        “im not a little kid , dumbface .” Luna remark , much to Takemichi surprise . “dumbface” Mana repeated the same word .

          ‘huh?’     “....HOW ARE YOU RAISING THEM ? !”

            without them knowing , the two young girls begin to gravitating towards a new arrival instead . “yay , pretty lady !”

          “uhk– Yuriko-san ?! you’re here too ?”

           both Mistuya’s and Hakkai’s cheeks blossom red in an instant when they take note how pretty she looks like in a kimono . Yuriko’s lips curve into a small smile while patting the little girls head . “yep . with my b–”

            “this place is sure lively .” an unfamiliar voice cut her off ── his red eyes roam around the place in amusement . when Tokio realises his cousin is swarm by two kids , he smile . “oh ? your secret love daughters with whom , Asami ?”

            that earn a hard punch on his shoulder as the girl playfully glare towards him . “be quiet or i left you here .”

            ‘uh- who ?’

          “chile– anyways , didnt both of us agree to straight away went in front ?” Tokio remind her about their agreement earlier that night . “oh yeah . . lets go !”

           they duo dash in front while holding hands before anyone could comment something about Tokio , leaving the small crowd dumbfounded . “who is that ?!” Hakkai finally question out of panic . “u-uhh , probably her . . . boyfriend ?”

             just after Takemichi voice out his own guess , the sound of glass shatter from behind , to which they turn around to see what its all about .

            there stand Baji . with the most scariest face any Edward could pull , while dark , killing aura begin to leak out from him . bro just broke a fucking glass with his own bare hand .

             “she got what now ?”

             beside him is a frowning Chifuyu who looks rather sad , just like Mitsuya . but both didnt say a single shit .

           “BAJI-KUN ?! you was just hearing things hehEeheh” Takemichi nervously chuckle but flinch when Baji hardly glare at him . “which way did they ran to ?”

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