五十七 chastise

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"ONCE AGAIN I REPEAT , DONT you dare do anything funny with her or i'll get my grandma duck to teach yall a lesson ." Mikey , Draken along with Chifuyu and Baji nodded their heads repeatedly either in fear or to show that they really understand . "thanks for dropping me i guess . Miki be driving like we got spare lives- not that im complaning though ."

"yeah i know" Youta shuddered . "why does he drive like that anyways ?" Chifuyu who's rocking Baji on a wheelchair ask .

"honestly," Youta pointed at Yuriko and then himself . "our cousin , Miki ... is a different breed but he's a bit normal than Tokio . but thats why , i love his stupid ass ."

then his phone started ringing and the ringtone he set started to play .

Soulja boy I tell 'em
Ayy , I got a new dance for y'all called the Soulja Boy
You just gotta punch then crank back three times from left to right-

Youta answered it . "hello , Mik-"

"did you just called me stupid ?!" they heard Miki screamed from the other side of the phone .

"motherfucker how the hell did you hear that shit ?!"

"motherfucker ?!!"

        "motherfucker ?!!"

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"alright . yall have fun but not too much . im gonna head home to calm somebody down ." Youta sigh while waving at them before pulling off .



"he gon' die" Yuriko say , loud enough for the others to hear . "by the looks of it , he will ."

"maaannn im bored" Baji whine while wheeling himself from side to side . "go home then" Draken kick the wheelchair , sending him rolling down the shrine . "DRAKEN !"

"what ?"

Mikey scoot closer to sit next to Yuriko on the stairs , paying no mind to all the ruckus going around him . "your eye .. is it still hurt ?"
"when i tried to blink , yes it does ."

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