十四 good riddance

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THE ATMOSPHERE INSIDE THE ROOM is awfully tense and the lull . Yuriko and Samuru each take a seat in front of their father who is rather calm about the whole circumstance .

“how do i begin this . .” their father startup , as if there isn’t an unknown woman sitting beside him . “you should begin with explaining who is this guest” Samuru retorted without a second thought while gesturing towards the woman .

his old man sigh , “right”

he cleared his throat and both of his children note that he seems nervous . “Samuru , Yuriko , this is my . . . fiance”

the old man was met with silence , a very painful silence that even the woman seems uncomfortable under Yuriko’s gaze . Samuru pursed his lips while humming , amused . “fiance huh ?”

“sorry not sorry if you’re offended by my language , father , but aren’t you too old for this shit ?” Yuriko raises an eyebrow . the thought of her father being wed to another woman stirred the resentment she didn’t know ever existed , and Samuru felt the same thing .

“we’ve been together for four years─”

“is that why you’re rarely at home and always lied to us with the same excuse ? ‘some matters about work’ was it ?”

that shut the couple and Yuriko couldn’t agree more with what her brother just said . mind you , this woman attended Taji’s funeral five months ago with a maroon attire ── does she even know shame ?

Samuru shifted on his seat and without doubt nor fear in his voice , he shoot another question . “you guys are planning to marry ?” his father was about to say something but was cut off by the woman ─ or precisely saying his ‘fiance’ .

“yes , actually . everything is already set up and the wedding will be held in November”

Samuru clenched his jaw , hence Yuriko let out a slight chuckle ── surprising the aged couple .

“do whatever you want”

their father let out a sigh of relief when Yuriko said that , but later regret it in an instant .

“but don’t acknowledge that we’re your children anymore”

their father almost flip the table , or perhaps he’s about to hit Yuriko but Samuru was sharp to see his movement ─ he sent his father a warning glare .

“what happened to ‘never hits your daughter’ , father ? mom made that rule before Asami was born , am i right ?” their father painfully swallow as sweats begin to trickle down his face . the woman beside him was trying her best to calm him down .

“ah , right . you forgot about that . just like how you forgot about the promise you and mom made when she’s still alive ── that is to never marry again when either one of you die .”

the youngest Kai who had no clue about this gave her brother a surprised look , hence her expression changed to a bitter one when her eyes landed on the man in front of her .

they fell into heavy quietude , with their father questioning himself internally ─ asking where did he go wrong . at last , Yuriko was the one who break through the unbearable pause .

“as i approve , do whatever you want . marry this woman if she’s the one that you love , grow a family with her if you desire . . me , Samuru and Taji-nii are giving you all the freedom to do so”

“but in return , we want you to forget us . just like how you forget the promise and mother’s affection for you . put us in your past like how you put mom” Yuriko speaks so expressively and her tone was enough to confirm how serious she is , how disappointed she is .

“. . . and i realize , you took off your wedding ring right on mom’s 6th death anniversary”

and just like that , the relationship with their father collapsed in a wink . Samuru doesn’t mind for he still have Yuriko with him and he was more than glad that Yuriko felt the same .

that morning , their father left with his Malaysian fiance and flew to the said country to start their new life . good for them , Yuriko thought .

despite his children cut ties with him , Mr Kai still
transferred his wealth in their accounts . that is the only thing he can do since his children didn’t wish to see him anymore .

the Kai siblings are now living under their grandparent's wing in the big household , along with their cousins . the girl couldn’t be even more grateful that she was gifted with a bunch of incredible brothers who take care of her despite her having zero capability in fighting .

 the girl couldn’t be even more grateful that she was gifted with a bunch of incredible brothers who take care of her despite her having zero capability in fighting

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