四十六 lost city

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❝  damned for an eternity , punished
for his feelings left to beg forgiveness as
he kneels .
gone those feathered wings a brilliant
snowy white replaced by heavy rusted wings of steel .  ❞

𝗜𝗡 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗟𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥 , 𝗠𝗜𝗞𝗘𝗬 𝗔𝗦𝗞𝗘𝗗 to meet at the place he told Takemichi about ── where his brother found the two bike engines . Takemichi’s eyes roam around the ruins in awe , yet at the same time couldnt help the unsettle feeling inside his chest .

         the afternoon sun penetrated the mass of honeysuckle that covered the collapsed ceiling , and fell on the timeleaper’s upturned face . the wind that blew briskly was so inviting that Takemichi couldnt help but to think about his friends in the past ── as well as Mikey’s 'big brother' who he always mentioned .

        he was stratled when a familiar voice called out his name from behind . “Takemichi ?” and when he follow where the voice came from , he finally saw him .

          there he was , with the same look in his eyes as ever ─ which reminded Takemichi a lot about Yuriko’s .

          speaking about Yuriko . . .

        “u-uhh. have you been well ?” he question nervously , to which Mikey smile and answer with a ‘yes’ . couldnt contain his emotions anymore , Takemichi cries in relief . the more he stared at Mikey , the more emotional he become . “hmm . still a crybaby i see .” Mikey smile while resting his chin on the palm of his hand .

       “i brought you here because i have a favor to ask you .”

       “huh ?”

       “i came here to remember my memories with my big bro . im overwhelmed with many memories , when i was young i fought many people . i learned few stuff . i laughed . i cried too . thats how i grew Toman , it makes me nostalgic .” upon hearing what Mikey said , Takemichi is sure that he has not changed and would never kill any of his fellow Toman members . but his hope dissappear as fast as it appeared when the look in Mikey’s eyes changed yet again .

       “Toman has changed a lot . . .”
        “why did you leave just to joined his side , Takemichi ?”

       Mikey continue and recalls him trying to stop Takemichi from leaving Toman , but both Draken and Mitsuya believed that Takemichi should go as Mikey has chosen a violent path for Toman . Takemichi swallow his saliva painfully when he noticed there is something else about this future Mikey .

       on Mikey’s neck is a tattoo he definitely had seen before ─── the same tattoo on Yuriko’s neck in the future timeline where she was at the pub .

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑.  tokyorev ✓Where stories live. Discover now