六十 all alone again

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UNDER THE TWILIGHT SKY AND the frostiness of the night ,  there sat Yuriko on the deserted highway with her brother cold and lifeless in her arms . Chifuyu wanted to approach her , but was too afraid that the girl might shatter even more and break into tears again .

Draken watches silently with heavy pressure inside his chest while standing beside the blonde-haired boy . Hanma who was beaten up badly was long forgotten , for The Reaper had slipped away from the scene silently ; a burst of guilt and the anguish he felt to see Yuriko like that .

Daiki approach them with an unreadable expression on his face , his mere presence alone startled the two Toman members . his steps halted when he saw Samuru lying unmoving in Yuriko's arms ── the heart of the contentious and bloodthirsty gang leader shattered a bit , he never foresaw that this will happen– not in a million years .

“Asami . . .” his voice came out as a whispered but was loud enough for Yuriko to hear . she slowly turns her head in his direction ──── pure pains reflected on her complexion that hurts Daiki even more .

he swallows the lump inside his throat painfully as he kneels and embraces his one and only female cousin in his homely arms . “. . . Terano didn't make it either”

that news managed to wipe out Yuriko hope ─ she whimpers in pain but it came out as a low hum instead . meanwhile , Daiki grabs Samuru’s cold hand tightly while saying a low prayer for him to rest . “Terano apologised . . . because he won't make it home this time . . .”

‘im grandma’s favourite grandson !’ the voice of young Terano echoes inside her mind . those golden days where Terano would act bratty and would drag that he’s the favourite grandson out of everyone– and that will arise a small fight between him and another spoiled and bratty child in the family , Ryou .

now . . . will there be those days again ?

“i have to go . i need to destroy someone .” Daiki declared openly while standing up from the ground . a bright light belonging to a car came from the opposite path of the road and the vehicle stopped right there and there in front of the fellow youngsters . Tokio and Miki get out of the car hastily and run towards the kneeling girl .

“Asami ?!”

“SAMURU ?! is he alright– why is he not moving ?!”

Ryou was too busy checking Samuru’s pulse and every fraction of his body to see any movements ── he’s desperate to prove that Samuru is still alive . he’s not dead . he’s not dead . he is still alive .

yet , there are still no signs of living .

Tokio glances at Yuriko and Daiki , both of them have the same unidentified expression on their faces . Tokio had always been a patient and kindhearted man ── no matter how severe the circumstance is , he will find a calm way to settle it . but not now , it is not right now .

because moments ago , he just saw Terano dead body right before his eyes . he can never comprehend the fate that befalls his younger cousin who he sees as a little brother– let alone what had happened to Samuru , his best friend growing up .

the situation is bewildering and unbearable . Ryou is no better , the aggressive and rebellious playboy is now crying his heart out while cradling his late cousin . Tokio kisses his teeth as tears keep flowing down his cheeks── “how would Youta and Miki react ? Nahoya and Souta ? they are already broken enough when they saw Terano .”

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