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. . . ᡕᠵᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏~♡ .

IN THE WORLD WHERE THE cruel hands of fate could tear lovers apart in an instant, Wakasa found himself praying endlessly to God for Yuriko's recovery. he was filled with fear and despair, the thought of losing her was a possibility that he couldn't bear to even conceive.

every night, he would kneel before her bed, holding her hand in his, whispering words of love and encouragement that only their hearts could understand. his heart was filled with a determination that he never knew existed before, a determination that no matter what kind of obstacles set in his way, he would do whatever it takes to bring her back.

he prayed without resting, without eating, without drinking, for a chance to be with her once again. with Yuriko being the air he breathes, the fire that keeps him alive, the water that quenches his thirst, he was willing to do anything for her, even sacrificing himself for her sake.

months after that, Wakasa stood before the monument dedicated to Taji, he felt a heavy weight on his heart. it was a weight of sorrow, of guilt, and of longing—longing for the days when he and Taji had spent together, when they had shared everything from their hopes and dreams to their secrets and insecurities.

as he stood there, feeling the emotions welling inside him, he began to speak, “Taji... i apologize for not visiting you last week. i was busy taking care of Yuriko. im still hoping she’ll be awake by now.” his words were soft and gentle, almost whispered, but they carried a weight of emotion that only Taji could have understood.

he spoke of the memories they had shared, of the good and the bad, and of the lessons that Taji had taught him.

as he spoke, he felt a stirring in his heart, a glimmer of hope that he had not felt in a long time. For the first time in what seemed like forever, he felt a sense of peace wash over him.

little did he know that Yuriko was listening, her ears trained on the sound of his voice. she had just gotten up from her coma and almost went panic upon seeing no one by her side, no wakasa by her side.

“she... she’s too important to me. she’s strong, i know she can fight it.” he added, “she’s precious.. even precious than rubies..”

as he spoke, Yuriko felt butterflies upon hearing what he was saying, as if the words were spoken just for her. she felt a warmth growing inside her, a sense of love that she had not felt in a long time.

and then, without warning, she wrapped her arms around Wakasa, holding him tightly from behind. he was caught off-guard at first, but as he realized who had hugged him, he was filled with a rush of emotions.

he immediately turned around and embraced her tightly, feeling as if he had been given a second chance at life. “y-you're awake... Yuriko..” his voice broke.

as they hugged each other, wakasa felt as if his world had come full circle. he had finally found what he had always been searching for, a bond that transcended their own mortal existences.

“wakasa... i kinda forget how your lips taste like..” Yuriko suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence between them.

she turned to him, and as their eyes met, she could see the love in his gaze. without hesitation, she asked the question that had been on her mind for so long, "would you remind me how your lips taste like again?" she sheepishly smile.

wakasa's heart leapt with joy, even though there was a little shyness to it. without a word, he leaned in and took Yuriko's lips in his, sealing their love in the most romantic of ways.

their kiss lasted an eternity, a moment frozen in time that would live forever in their hearts. in that cemetery, the kiss declared their love for each other, letting go of their fears and embracing a future that was nothing short of exceptional.

 in that cemetery, the kiss declared their love for each other, letting go of their fears and embracing a future that was nothing short of exceptional

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