八 sewing with you

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TURNS OUT HER FATHER DIDN’T come home last night . he did inform the nanny that he have some matters to handle — leaving her in charge to take care of his three children .

the nanny already set a plan to take them sightseeing around the city but the Kai siblings have other plans.

when she was distracted , the three of them silently creep away . once again , Yuriko split from her brothers but oh well– at least she's going to see Takashi today .

she grins upon seeing the lilac-haired boy from afar . ‘so he bring Luna along’

❝IT TASTE GOOD , RIGHT ?❞ YURIKO ask Mitsuya who nods his head while eating the box of peyoung yakisoba that she made herself

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IT TASTE GOOD , RIGHT ?❞ YURIKO ask Mitsuya who nods his head while eating the box of peyoung yakisoba that she made herself . his little sister seems to be enjoying it too .

“hey Mitsuya , wanna sew ?”

“ah ? sure , if you would like to”

“how did you make that pattern ?” Yuriko pointed at Mitsuya’s handcraft with a confused expression . Mitsuya smile while demonstrating the whole thing , “just like this”

“it’s difficult !”

“it is . but nobody success on their first try” he mumbled lowly . not a minute later , Yuriko raises hers in the air with a satisfied smile . “mine's done !” she announced.

with a proud demeanor , she handed Luna the doll .

“mine too , but . . .”

"thats actually cute" Yuriko gestures toward the bunny doll that Mitsuya made . "do you like it , Luna ?"

"hmm" Luna nod as she grabbed the doll from her big brother's hand and hug it . Yuriko grin , "see ?"

Mitsuya smiles warmly at his little sister and thank her for appreciating his effort .

Mitsuya smiles warmly at his little sister and thank her for appreciating his effort

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❝  UHH– YURIKO-CHAN , SOMEONE IS WAITING for you outside ❞

'someone ?'

"a boy or a girl ?"

"a boy . and he's riding a CB205T . he looks cool !"

that made Yuriko stand up from the floor instantly for she’s already feeling alert . 'what is he doing here ?'

"haa . i know that you're gonna be here" Taji say with a lazy smile as he watch his little sister approach him . Yuriko punch his stomach numerous times but he didn’t flinch a single bit . Mitsuya sweatdrop . "eh ?"

"dont worry about this little baby . she's always throwing tantrums ."

Taji then pick her up and place her on the motorcycle . "there you go"

Yuriko huff , "how did you find me ?"
"i saw you ran towards the opposite way this morning so i decided to follow you . anyways , whats your name ?" he ask , referring to Mitsuya .

"im Mitsuya Takashi"

"im Ka- Taji . this baby elder brother" Taji introduce himself as he gestured towards the pouting Yuriko . "we have to go now , Mitsuya . see you later"

"i , i see . . ."

"Asami ? don't you wanna say something to your lil’ boyfriend ?" Taji ask in a teasing tone while he putting on his helmet that it made Mitsuya’s face erupted red . Yuriko felt the same propelling her punch Taji’s arm . that made him chuckle , "young loves"

"as if you have a girfriend yourself" she stuck her tongue out at him while he put on her helmet . the harsh but true statement made Taji put on a pain expression .

"see you later , Mitsuya !" Yuriko wave from afar . Mitsuya wave back with a smiling face . . . until he recall what Taji said about him and Yuriko , that make him blush again . it is now near dusk , with the sky growing dark in the distance as the loud sound of Taji’s bike roar away .

 it is now near dusk , with the sky growing dark in the distance as the loud sound of Taji’s bike roar away

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A/N ;
taka-chan <33

A/N ;taka-chan <33

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