四十五 my butterfly , my sweetheart

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𝗞𝗔𝗞𝗨𝗖𝗛𝗢 𝗖𝗨𝗥𝗦𝗘𝗗 𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗔𝗦 𝗛𝗘 punched another scum who were on his way . he kiss his teeth and step on the total of 11 unconcious men on the ground . despite the looks everyone who passes by gave him , he continue to walk without a care .

          sweat tricked from his forehead which he wiped with the back of his knotted , callused hand . he grunt when he recalled back to the reason why he is walking around the city right now . it all started because Izana wanted him to 'to find some of the Toman fuckers' .

         Izana was too busy mumbling to himself while holding a certain handkerchief anyways . even Kakucho doesnt know how long Izana has been keeping it with him and who gave it to him . the Tenjiku leader precisely didnt give Kakucho a proper description of whoever that person is .

         even with the breeze , the air remained thick and hot . maybe Kakucho was too busy with his own thought that he didnt notice there is someone walking in the same direction as him . that is until , both of them bump against each others .

        he mentally heave out a tired sigh which is enough to tell that he doesnt have the energy to argue anymore . "im sorry . i wasnt looking." the person apologised .

         Kakucho nod. "its fine..." Kakucho slowly raises his head , and when his eyes met with a pair of familiar one , he instantly freeze .

         after feels like forever .

        the only person he ever admired as a lover .

        he misses her . everyday he wished to see her again . everyday he wonder where the hell could she be .

        and after what feels like forever , after years of him lost in the dark abys , he finally see her again .

        Kakucho finally met Yuriko .

        Yuriko swallow her saliva hardly and couldnt contain her own emotions ── the emotions that she have been bottled up for years . her eyesights became blurry at this point but she couldnt careless .

        she's more than happy at this moment .

        "Kakuchan ?"

        "Yuriko-chan..." he whisper the nickname softly ─ afraid that it was just an illusion .

        Kakucho was taken aback when Yuriko throw herself at him , clinging for dear life while pulling him close to herself . this remind Kakucho a lot of their childhood memories together ── whenever they saw each other , Yuriko would never pass the chance to hug him tightly .

        feeling the warmth of her embrace once again made Kakucho melt . he smile and wrap his own arms around her , returning the tight hug .

        "is this really you ?" she ask in a muffle voice , her face burrying on his shoulder . Kakucho smile widen when he heard her sweet , grown-up voice after a long time . "it is really me ."

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑.  tokyorev ✓Where stories live. Discover now