六十一 all the things she said

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THE ATMOSPHERE INSIDE KAI HOUSEHOLD was very tenebrous and intense . the funeral attendees along with the family members sat in silence ─ paying respect to the people they've just lost . The Kawata twins , along with Youta , Miki , Ryou and Tokio sat together in the meanwhile Yuriko was sitting next to their grandmother in front .

"i offer my condolences" Mikey bow his head lower in front of the family members . the Toman captains were there as well , along with some Tenjiku members . most of the delinquent attendees were the Rokuhara Tandai members and the only person from Bonten was Kato Naoki , the righthand man .

Takemichi examines everyone but mostly the family members . the boys are still weeping over their fallen ones but Yuriko and her grandmother remained reserved . although the elderly woman didn't cry , her eyebrows furrowed compelling her wrinkles to appear . it was indeed exceptionally heavy for her to accept the pain of losing her grandchildren ── because there are no parents in this world that expect themselves to attend their children's funerals . it has always been the contrary of that .

Yuriko on the other hand has an indistinct expression on her face . it was rather indescribable for she didn't even say a thing throughout the whole ceremony . maybe she didn't cry but Takemichi knew better what she's feeling inside ─ she had enough of grieving and are out of tears to shed .

after a while , she opened her mouth to assert something , "today . . is the funeral of my relatives . my brother , Kai Samuru and my cousins , Nakazawa Daiki and Terano Minami ."

everyone remained quiet and was albeit stunned when a familiar man walk over to the front and kneel in front of the family ── in front of Yuriko and her grandmother to be precise .

Wakasa bow his head low until his forehead met the wooden floor , hands on both sides of his face as he speak── "Samuru was the brother of my best friend . i apologised . . i couldn't protect him like how i'd promised to Taji ."

Youta and the rest didn't reply , but their grandmother did . "it wasn't your fault either . . at least he is at a better place now ." that sentence managed to compress Yuriko's stone heart just a bit , a bit .

silence . but Wakasa continued to talk some more . what came out of his mouth next surprised everyone including the family members , except for Yuriko , in a sort of numerous ways . for her fanboys , they all didn't take it very well .

❛❛i love Yuriko .❜❜

his position remained the way it is but everyone knew just how sincere the declaration was . many people caught feelings towards the young lad but Imaushi Wakasa is the only one who dared to admit such a significant confession in front of the whole family ── in front of her fellow cousins who could just beat someone to a pulp .

Wakasa love her ; but he couldn't protect what is precious to Yuriko . he let her shatter and suffer alone ─ implying that he's useless . although Wakasa may not express his emotions a lot in front of other people , when it comes to her , he would willingly bawl his eyes out- couldn't care less about the hundreds of eyes that are watching .

he was hoping for a decent ending after the whole brawl , but it seems like everything was just a vision . he beseeches that after the commotion ── both of them would take endless late-night rides around the city again . picnic together again . and be together permanently . but a fairy tale like that doesn't exist in a horror story , right ?

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