十 apart

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YURIKO ALWAYS IMAGINED THAT THIS will happen one day whether she likes it or not , but she has never foreseen that it’s today ── the day she loathed the most .

“. . . so you're moving”


dead silence fell upon them after that while Taji watch from afar . Yuriko let out a low hum , “will you be alright on your own ?”

Kakucho was hesitant to nod at first . “i guess .. don’t worry about me and please don’t cry . i'll keep the necklace and i’ll make sure we will meet one day !” but at what cost ?

his genuine heart shatters at the thought of never seeing his best friend again .

“i’ll find you myself , Yuriko-chan”

“then i'll see you when i see you , Kaku-chan . .”

at least Yuriko had the chance to meet her 'parents-in-law' ( as a joke ) , or should we ascertain to be Kakucho’s parents .

TAJI HAD BEEN WATCHING HIS baby sister alone at the corner of the room for minutes now , weeping while singing to God knows what

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TAJI HAD BEEN WATCHING HIS baby sister alone at the corner of the room for minutes now , weeping while singing to God knows what . when Taji asked what song is that , she gave him a short and confusing answer that is 'Adele' .

“are you sad ?”

"oh no im happy . im in cloud 9" she answer sarcastically . Taji approach her and pat her head , "how about Mitsuya ?"

". . . what about him ?”

"i thought you like him , Asami"

that earn him a hard punch on his abdomen hence Taji just let out a laugh as he ruffled Yuriko’s hair .

"i dont know how many boys you're going to attract. especially in the future ," he say , getting up from the ground . "but if they really want you , would they even sacrifice themselves for you ?"

Yuriko blink . “you mean ?”

“would the chess pieces forfeit themselves for the king ?”

Yuriko remained quiet , the girl was too stunned to speak . she didn’t predict that Taji would say that , making cynical thoughts to replenish her mind at the odds on how Taji knew about that .

“Daiki told me about it” Taji snapped her back into reality . and with an unsure voice , she question her beloved brother ,  “but what if the King was to die one day , without no 'heir' and doesn’t wish to have any partners ?”

there was a long silence between the siblings ── Taji was staring into his baby sister’s eyes and he seized what he’s looking for .

the curiosity in those orbs is tremendous .

he didn’t miss the unusual flicker on Yuriko’s eyes but he decided to get into it another time .

“... then the King better be prepared for their downfall . but chess pieces are still worth less than the governor , which means ,” he raises his hand and playfully pinch Yuriko’s cheek.

dead or alive , the King will remain on the eloquent status . thus , there is a big possibility one of their chess pieces will take over the place in a tribute for the King”

Yuriko hisses as she slaps away Taji’s hand . “anyways , i need to talk to them too . might as well challenge them for a fight lol

that was all he said before vanishing inside the kitchen . Taji’s deep voice that lace with a hazardous indication just now has changed into a sweet and cheerful one once he greets Samuru and their father .

Yuriko let out a satisfied hum while casting off the crayons and sprint towards the kitchen as well .

Yuriko let out a satisfied hum while casting off the crayons and sprint towards the kitchen as well

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AT THE DINNER TABLE , THE family of four began to eat their meal quietly . Yuriko would glance now and then towards their father who is looking unusually . . . happy today . the old man did ask his children about the trip last week though .

Taji described it as 'meh' . it aint that good but at least he can hang out with his best friend — to which he's referring to Shinichiro . his second son described it to be boring yet there are some exciting parts — because he gets to tag along with Taji around the city on his bike and meet with his friends .

when their father recalls back to Yuriko’s habits to wither from the nanny , he lightly scold her again in which the girl just reply with a sheepish smile . "you got crumbs on your cheek" Taji pointed out and Samuru wipe it off from his little sister , "there"

"i almost forgot to inform the three of you about something" their father chimed in .

"hmm ? what is it this time dad ? you got into a fight with the cops again ?" Taji roll his eyes and their father was quick to smack his forehead . “let me finish”

Samuru snort .

"your cousins are going to visit you guys tomorrow ."

"which one ?"

"the twins"

the siblings blink simultaneously .

"dad ..." he hummed when his daughter called out for his name . "you do realize we have two pairs of twins in our family right ?" the three of them question at the same time that it almost gave the old man a heart attack .

he cough "right . it’s the Kawata twins"

that made Yuriko grin . she is surprised herself that Angry and Smiley hadn't met Kakucho yet .

an opinion from earlier came to plague her mind once again . . .

chess pieces should commit their entire vitality to the King , huh ?’

‘chess pieces should commit their entire vitality to the King , huh ?’

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