十一 blue ogre and the smiling devil

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❝YURIKO !❞ UPON SEEING THE SIGHT of her two cousins , Yuriko darts towards them in such fervor . “where are your brothers ?”

“school” was all Yuriko replied with .

“are you sure you can handle the three of them ?” the twin’s parents glanced at the children . Yuriko's dad nods , reassuring them that it is fine .

it’s not like he’s going to take care of them later anyway .

“Nahoya , Souta , we're leaving now . behave okay ?”

“roger” the older twin smile while the youngest one is in a deep conversation with Yuriko . she sent her father a warning glare .

AS WHAT YURIKO ALREADY PREDICTED , her father left a moment after that , surmising an excuse such as ‘business problem’ and so on

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AS WHAT YURIKO ALREADY PREDICTED , her father left a moment after that , surmising an excuse such as ‘business problem’ and so on . but she knew better .

she look a bit off despite displaying the twins a cheerful smile ── especially now that they’re building sandcastles at the same playground she and Kakucho used to hang out at .

Yuriko was so used to his presence .

Souta notice this and nudges her to catch her attention , “something's wrong ?”

“no . . where is Nahoya ?”

“he went back to the house to get an extra shovel for us”


"two brats ?" came from an unfamiliar voice . they both look up at the new arrivals ─ two boys who look like middle schoolers .

“the girl has weird . . eyes colors ?”

albeit the acerbic comment , Yuriko only raises an eyebrow in response meanwhile Souta keep flinching while tugging on her sleeve now and then . “they're building sandcastles . must take a lot of time , huh ?" one of them stepped on the two sandcastles .

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