三 wildest dream

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IT'S THE WEEKDAYS AGAIN , WHICH means the family of four are going to visit their grandparents like any other weekend . what made Yuriko eager each time was the fact that she'll spend more time with them , besides her cousins are fun to be with .

despite being the only granddaughter in the big family , that didn't stop her from persuading the boys to join her tea party each time .

she really had all of them wrapped around her pinky , especially Taji . he's the best of all and the calmest person in the room when handling a situation .

Yuriko's feet shifts almost quickly as soon as she stepped onto the ground ── her eyes were already set on the elder couple who's waiting in front of the gate . and with all her might , Yuriko leapt towards her grandmother and hug the said woman for dear life .

"oh my- how are you , Asami ?"

Asami . the nickname Taji gave her on the day she opened her eyes . a reminder that the 'perfect' one was born in the morning ── a morning beauty .

Yuriko grins while her grandfather ruffles her hair , "im good . where's Youta and the others ?" before the old man could even answer his granddaughter's question , a familiar voice resolved her suspicion by yelling out her name loudly near the Koi pond .

Yuriko's eyes flicker in excitement and pardoned herself to gallop towards where her fellow cousins at , with Samuru beside her . Taji did the same but walk at an unhurried pace unlike his two beloved siblings .

"yo" it only took one word for her fellow cousins to acknowledge their presence as they began to pamper her with hugs and forehead kisses . "Tajii !" Miki beams upon seeing the sight of the oldest grandson in the family . Kai Taji , who is used to this only let out a laugh while waving towards them , "what are you guys doing ?"

"we are playing Ouija board while waiting for you guys to arrive" Youta , the second oldest grandson replied . without them knowing , Yuriko quietly slip away from the scene meanwhile Taji creased his eyebrows in both confusion and concerns──"Ouija what ?"

"it's a game Yuriko told us about . she said we can talk to spirits and make wishes to Santa Claus using it" Tokio was the one who answered this time . Ryou was busy trying to climb on Taji's back , hence Taji dismissed it since he's too busy attempting to guess whatever the heck his little sister just do .

and realization hits him , harder than how truck-kun hits a certain four-eyed mofo .

"YURIKO─" she scurry away from her brothers while giggling before Taji could even lecture her . the young dame is a menace .

as if she knew where to find the pair of twins , she hurried towards the usual spot where Daiki and Daichi would relax── under the big tree behind the house . seeing the youngest brat made Daiki's eyebrows furrowed yet he still welcomed Yuriko with a warm hug . "where are Taji and Samuru ?"

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