二十一 ease of mind

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❝ IS IT STILL HURT ?YURIKO ask as she poke the spot where Draken got stabbed few days ago .

“. . . Yuriko you keep asking the same question for five minutes .”

“its called curiosity , Zen .” that made him roll his eyes .

“but about you and Mikey little sister though . .”

Draken’s furrowed his eyebrows at the mention of her ── “how’d you know her ?”

“she cried louder than everyone else and it seems like you’re someone special to her .” Yuriko wiggle her eyebrows as she smirk . Draken huff and look elsewhere , “she has a crush on me-”

“OHH ?”

Draken flick her forehead “you’re too damn loud !” Yuriko grin , “dint know you‘re the type to be romantic .”

“at least i have an admirer .”

that made Yuriko smack a hand on her chest with an offended expression . “motherfucker ?”

the door suddenly creak open── revealing the one and only Takemichi with weird . . . . outfits .

“hah ? quite being a jackass !” Draken scold him and he immediately apologize and take off the lame shade . both of them talk about the incident with Moebius and  Yuriko excused herself to deliver a gift to someone who’s just chilling on the rooftop .

 both of them talk about the incident with Moebius and  Yuriko excused herself to deliver a gift to someone who’s just chilling on the rooftop

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❝ MIKEY ? ❞ THE TOMAN PRESIDENT OPEN his eyes and sit up quickly . “Yuriko-san ?”

she wave while walking toward him . “i thought you were dead . by the way , i bring some dorayaki with me .”

that made Mikey smile . “thank you .”

“no probl-” Yuriko didn’t care to finish her sentence , for she just shove a whole dorayaki inside her mouth . Mikey chuckle , amused . “you will choke if you don’t eat slowly”

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