二十二 tiger

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❝ SORRYTHAT MADE YURIKO SIGH at the people who bumped onto her . half-assed apology , but at least they apologized . “where the hell is Takemichi ?” her eyebrows creased , looking everywhere around the school hall .

she was too focus looking inside every classroom that she didn’t realize a person is standing in front of her . when she turned her head around , her face met with somebody’s hard chest .

“im sorry . are you okay ?”

deep , sexy voice .

she look up and her frowning face quickly turn into a shocked expression ; her heterochromia orbs are met with pair of sandy-coloured ones .

he tilts his head , “pretty . . what's your name ?”

Yuriko can feel her cheeks heating up , resulting in the said girl covering the lower of her face with her hand . she slowly took a few steps behind . ‘too close !’

“i need to go .” was all she said before hurrying away ── until she disappear completely from his sight .

Kazutora blink , then cast a smile of amusement . “cute!~♡”

meanwhile Yuriko , “TAKEMICHI YOU BETCH”

the Mizo Mid Crews stand on their ground although each of them is shaking by the sight of their senior . heavy breathing , sweating , steam coming from her face as if she’s mad .

Yuriko walk towards Takemichi and flick his forehead ── “i’ve been looking for you everywhere inside this shitty place !”

“y-you look mad”

“i am”

Takemichi gulp and quickly apologized to Yuriko , bowing a few times in front of her . it’s better if Takemichi didnt have bad blood with her now . “Y-Yuriko-san ?”


it was Yamagishi turn to gulp at her deadpan stare , “are you okay ?”

she dramatically sigh and rub her forehead . “im sorry for overreacting , everyone . some shit happened at the hallway just now-”

“somebody picked on you ?” Akkun ask , to which she shook her head in denial .

“Yuriko-san . . may i ask , why are you looking for me ?”

Yuriko open her mouth to say something but was cut off when somebody slide the classroom door open . the boy’s focus is now on the new arrival . Yuriko however , curses inside her mind as she too turns around .

Kazutora meet her gaze and were a bit surprised . “which one of you is . . . Takemichi ?”

“uhh , that would be me .”

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