五十三 don't freak out

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JUST WHEN TAKEMICHI THOUGHT THAT the situation would calm down a bit , something horrifying happend . there was one death he failed to prevent . he stare blankly at the sky , looking up and wondering why he has to be here , alone and full of fear . no matter how hard he  try , in the end he always cry . he cant be who he want to , he cant always see through and is a failure in everything he do .

          the time-leaper continued to sobs pitifully with his head laid on Yuriko laps , feeling devastated and lost as ever . “what are we supposed to do ?! the fight is tomorrow !”

          his hopes are crushed , along with the future he always desired for everyone . Emma’s death was very abrupt that it shocked everyone , especially Draken and Mikey . Takemichi blame himself for being ignorant about what happend to Emma in the future . it dishearten him so much to the point that he think his presence is what always been the mistake from the start .

         “Kisaki killed her... i saw it with my own eyes but i cannot do anything about it !! Izana... why did he agreed to kill his own sister ?” Yuriko remained silence , quietly listening meanwhile the boy begin to list down his failures in the most sorrowful tone . “Mikey ... he was unable to accept Emma’s death , along with the pain of losing others . that’s what turned him evil . i-i cannot reverse this fate , Yuriko-san ...”

         call Yuriko emotionless , that girl is beyond despair at this point of life . instead of crying along , she proceed to slowly stroke Takemichi’s hair with a slight smile on her face .

         “is there still hope ?”

         she finally open her mouth to spoke lowly , eyes not leaving the dreadful face belong to the time-leaper . “huh?”

        “you did all of this in the first place because of Hinata , right ? you’re just going to give up like that ?”

        right , he forgot about that because he was too busy mourning over somebody else ── ’though it sound selfish .

        “. . . Kisaki is still out there . that motherfucker will destroy everything you try to protect if you dont finish what you started , Hanagaki Takemichi .”

        maybe it was just an illusion or what , but Takemichi caught a glint of something wicked inside her eyes ── the eyes that used to shine the most look desolate now .

        with his little hopes renewed , he made another vow to himself but this time with an even strong grudge . “i’ll protect her , even at the cost of my life .

        so the morning is dead and the day's drawn to a close

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        so the morning is dead and the day's drawn to a close . within the Sano Residence , a funeral for Emma Sano is being held . the air is heavy , and Toman's members and some of Emma's classmates sit in respectful silence including Kai Yuriko .

        they witnessed Draken confesses his feeling for Emma , prompting everyone to sobs in grief . Mitsuya and Inui lean on Yuriko’s shoulders for support to which she let them , even if her shirt is wet . she sent a reassuring smile toward Mikey’s way ; ’though she couldnt prevent his pains , only alleviate it .

        “Yuriko-chan ? you’re going home ?” Mitsuya question upon seeing the girl walking out of the Sano household . she smile , “yup . my brother might be waiting at home .”
“it’s dangerous considering how late it is now . want me to accompany you ?” Chifuyu give her a concern look .

        “it’s okay babyboy , Smiley and Angry are coming home with me– and hi there Hakkai .”

        Hakkai who was hiding behind Chifuyu all the time while silently staring at Yuriko , hoping that he wouldnt get caught flinch when his name was mentioned . in response , he avert his gaze away , embarrassed . Yuriko whip her head toward Takemichi and Hina’s direction , slightly met with the sight of the boy patting his girlfriend head affectionately as both seems to engaged in a deep conversation . Yuriko lips curve into a rueful smile , turning her heels around and begin to walk away .

        unbeknown to anyone , a flicker of panel flashed before her own eyes ── a panel belongs to a future she knew she would never have .

        in that vision , her adult self is laughing with Taji and Samuru , along with her fellow unmanageable yet loveable cousins including Terano .

        losing a stranger that slowly come to be your friend hurts , no ? but the pain of losing the people who you grew up with detriment the survivor the most .

      she knew that after this it would never be the same again . Toman would be disbanded , Tenjiku might lost , Terano and Rokuhara Tandai are recruiting strong delinquents around Japan , Brahman is silently working in the shadow and they could attack any day and last but not least , Bonten  ──  a gang belongs to Yuriko's cousin . a gang to effectuate the dream belongs to the late Daichi . Yuriko might think about of hundred thoughts but Taji is ninety-nine .

“a world where i lost nobody anymore . . . how does that sounds , brother ?”

 how does that sounds , brother ?”

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